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"Welcome to New York, it's been waiting for you" - Taylor Swift

Addison's POV

"I'm home!!" I yell as I enter the door even though I'm not sure if anybody's home at all. Vince is probably still at UNI hiding in a dark laboratory working on some physics project which he always does. I don't doubt that he's gonna invent dimension or time travelling someday. He's a genius. A hot genius, may I add.

The other person I share the apartment with is Liz.

Liz is extraordinary. She's the lead singer of a newcomer band called Quarter Past Midnight. They are pretty cool and Liz's extraordinary appearance makes the band special and interesting. Their style is kind of  indie rock and so is Liz's.

She has loads of piercings in her ear, light blonde hair which is cut shorter on one side than on the other and tends to get off with somebody a lot. It's not like she's sleeping around but let's say, she's not contact avoiding.

"Liz?" I ask and put my bag down onto the ground and slip out of my sandals. I don't really like wearing shoes at home.

"Liz?" I ask another time because I hadn't received an answer. There are strange noises that are coming out of her bedroom and loud music so I know she must be here and just doesn't hear me.

"Liz!" I say as I open the door to her bedroom and immediately shut it again because what I had seen was something I would try to erase from my memory for a lifetime.

"Geez, sorry, sorry, sorry." I mutter as I try to erase the picture of Liz and that naked guy in her bed, being in full action if you know what I mean. Let me tell you, it's definitely something you don't want to see, especially when thyself doesn't get a guy because that nice little syndrome called Tourette seems to creep the shit out of the male gender.

So to express it in a nice way - my experience in that area is limited up to walking in on Liz and smutty books that tend to be the worst kitsch as well. Not that much fun.

"What is it?" Liz appears in the door, leaning against the frame. She's got a blanket wrapped around her naked self and as I look over her shoulder, I can see the guy laying sprawled out in bed. He obviously didn't bother to cover himself. I quickly look at Liz.

"I just... It's not really anything. I just wanted to check if you were home and if I should make dinner for the two of us. But obviously ..." I peak over her shoulder again. Big mistake because the guy waves at me which makes me blush. "It's dinner for three?"

"Do you want to eat with us, Dylan?" She asks the guy who now has a name. Wasn't the guy who stayed overnight last week called Dylan as well?

"Yeah, sure. Thanks." He grins and I quickly go into the kitchen. Here we go again, another Addie moment at its finest. A five at rating, I'd say.

I prepare some pasta while I'm listening to I lived by One Republic. I mess around, singing along to the music when Liz and Dylan 2.0. enter the kitchen.

They both sit down in the booth and allocate the creaking chair to me.

"You know Dylan plays in that band called Loose Change." Liz begins.

"Cool, what's your genre?" I ask.

"Rock and Pop." He answers. Wow, seems like Dylan 2.0. isn't a man of great words. And with his long hair he looks a bit like Jesus to be honest. What's a better nickname - Dylan 2.0. or Jesus?

I decide to stick with Dylan 2.0. cause clearly the long hair is the only thing he and Jesus have in common.

"Cool." I say again as sparing of words as he is and put the pasta down onto the table, as well as some plates. Anything you can do, I can do better, buddy!

"Yeah I know. And since Dylan's band is quite more famous than mine, he decided to bring me along to that 4th of July party his friend is throwing." Liz says and her whole face lits up. "Imagine all the people I can meet. This would help me climb the career ladder so much! I can establish contacts with other band members and celebrities and producers."

"This is awesome!" I say because it really is. Liz's band is also quite well known and they've got quite a good number of fans but this could really help her become even more famous.

"The thing is, I promised Dylan to tag you along."

"Wait what?" I choke on my pasta. She wants to take me to a celebrity party? I don't even know how to walk on high heels properly, how am I supposed to fit in?

"Yeah, Dylan's friend, Chris needs a date because his ex-girlfriend will be there. He wants to make her jealous." Liz explains but I just frown at Dylan 2.0.

"Why me?" I ask.

"You're the only one who came to our mind." Wow do they share one mind already? That was quick.

I stare at them both and they stare back at me in anticipation. I put down my fork and lean back.

"He'd better be cute." I say and Liz hugs me. Then she turns to Dylan 2.0.

"See, I told you she would say yes!" She cheers but I'm not done yet.

"And you get me a nice dress." I demand. "I don't want to look like a moose at that party."

A grin creeps on Liz's face. "I'm in, honey."

She blows a kiss in my direction and I glance at Dylan 2.0. Wasn't he going to thank me? It was his friend not Liz's.
Dylan 2.0. doesn't seem to be the most clever person because Liz needs to poke him before he notices what everyone is expecting from him.

"Thanks man." He says and that's all. I don't like him. He seems to be dull but I'm not in the position to judge him. Maybe he is just shy and that's why he's not much of a speaker, other than Jesus. I'm also not in the position to judge if he is a good hook up because I'm not the one who hooked up with him but Liz.

"And" I add just because I have to exploit their dependence on me. "And you need to organise me Ed Sheeran tickets even though they are sold out."

"How am I supposed to manage that?" Liz shrieks in high dudgeon but I just grin sadistically.

"You'll be surrounded by celebs, you should manage that somehow."

"I hate you." She gives me a killing glance.

"Love you too darling." This time it's my turn to blow a kiss in her direction and I wink at her.

Cards well played girl, well played, girl, I compliment myself while my mind is already at an Ed Sheeran concert.

New York - A Tristan Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now