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"And when we sipped champagne out of cider cans" - Ed Sheeran

Addie's POV

"I can't believe they kicked us out of the supermarket." I laugh and cover my mouth with my hands, still a bit shocked about the fact that we had actually just gotten banned from the grocery store.

"If you squeal like a stuck pig!" Tristan accuses me and I act shocked.

"You are the one who poured ice from the freezer down my shirt!"


"So it's your fault!" I yell and slap him softly on the chest. "But at least we got to buy the stuff we needed."

I point at the plastic bag in Tristan's hand and he holds it up proudly. Champagne, strawberries and baguette are in it.

"Okay what now?" Tris asks and I grin as I take his hand and lead him towards the subway station.

I like how I can hold his hand that easily without any awkwardness or anything. Touching him just feels so natural.

We go to Central Park and look for a nice spot with not too many people around which is quite hard because on a summer evening people love to go there.

We sit down on a stone next to the river and the small old stone bridge. It's by far my favourite spot in New York that I've seen so far and I love coming here to read and study or just listen to music.

"It's my favourite spot in New York." I said. "You're the only one I've taken here so far."

I try to let it sound casual while I unpack the food but it doesn't. It somehow sounds like it is a big deal to me. Maybe because it is a big deal to me. It is a big deal, going to Central Park with Tristan and having picnic because I really like him but I know he doesn't like me the way I do.

Well that sucks.

"Really? So is that," he points at the two of us, "something special?"

I want to tell him that I am wondering about the same thing but instead I joke because I really struggle with talking to people about my feelings.

"Don't think you're something special." I wink at him and he raises an eyebrow.

"Wow that really hurt." He says sarcastically and I have to suppress the grin that's trying to creep on my face.

"Poor Tristan. I hope this makes you feel better." I say as I reach him some champagne in a plastic cup. He takes it and thanks me.

"Alcohol is not a solution but in this case it might be." He smirks at me and all I think is oh shit but then I notice that I'm behaving like a twelve year old hormone-driven teenager and I mentally face palm myself.

I get myself some champagne as well and then put the bottle away so we can clink glasses.

"Tristan!" I yell in fake shock and he just stares at me, not knowing what I am on about. "You have to look into my eyes while clinking glasses!"

"Why?" He asks confused.

"Or else you're gonna have bad sex for seven years." I explain to him and he raises one eyebrow. I can tell he's trying to not laugh at me but I am completely serious about that.

"That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard." He laughs. "Who told you that?"

"Well I guess that's just a European thing." I tell him.

"Is it true?"


"That you're gonna have bad sex for seven years?" He says and I laugh about the fact that he really considers that this might be true.

New York - A Tristan Evans FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now