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"It's like drowning but you won't just fucking die" - Urban Dictionary definition of unrequited love

Addison's POV

"Vince?" I ask and knock at the door as loud as I can. After what happened last week, walking in on Liz having sex, I don't set value on doing that again.

"Yeah?" He asks and I hesitantly enter his bedroom. He's sitting at his desk, his face burrowed in the volume of plates.

"What are you doing?" I ask him and sit down onto his bed. There are some dirty boxers lying around but I don't really care.

Vince tousles through his mahogany hair that sticks out from his head. His hair is messy but that's just how he is, too caught up in science to notice his hair and room's a mess.

"I'm trying to figure out what the most common element by mass is that's forming the earth." He sighs and puts his head onto the desk.

"Don't worry." I tell him. "You'll work it out. You're a genius."

"What do you think?" He asks me and I have to oppress my laughter. He's the science genius and he's asking me.

"I don't know... Earth?" I suggest and Vince face palms himself. I giggle and shift my weight onto my elbows.

"Come on, Addie. Be serious."

"Iron?" I give it another try with the first element that comes to my mind.

"Iron!" Vince squeals and it's cute how he can get crazy over an element. But that's just Vince and that's why I like him. "That sounds plausible. Let me check that."

He flicks through the pages of some huge books and then turns around in his swivel chair. It obviously is the right answer.

"I love you!" He says and jumps up to sling his arms around my neck. I can't help but laugh and fall back onto the bed -Vince on top of me - trying to ignore the dirty laundry underneath my body. It stinks though - hard to ignore.

"You can roll off now." I tell him and push him away softly so I can sit up.
"That's why I'm here actually."

"Why? Because I love you?" He jokes but I'm completely serious.

"Yeah, I feel accepted in your room. Not like in Liz's. She keeps telling me to hook up with one of her new lover's friends."

"That's just Liz." He laughs. "You won't do it, won't you?"

I slap him with one of his dirty boxers.

"I'd rather go to convent and die as an old virgin."

"That's my girl." Vince says and winks at me.

"I actually just wanted to ask if you'd like to marry me." I ask and his reaction is priceless. His face falls and he just stares at me in disbelief. After he had caught himself, he starts joking, like usually.

"Of course I will marry you. You know we're destined for each other."

"No Vince, I'm serious!" I say desperately and let myself fall back onto the bed again. "What if I don't find a guy. What if no one likes to marry me because that stupid Tourette Syndrome scares everybody away? What if I end up as an old virgin in convent. What if I end up having twelve grimly cats because these are the only ones who bear my company."

"Calm down." Vince catches my hands that had started gesturing frantically and places them in my lap. "First off all: you won't end up in convent. You're gorgeous and everybody who's scared of your disorder is a complete douchebag and should screw themselves.
Secondly: I would be honoured to marry you because you're the least complicated girl I've met so far. And before I end up as an old furious grandpa because no girl fancies a physician who's only love is the periodic table and who compares the connection between people with hydrogen bonds, I'd love to marry you. Marrying my best friend sounds sick."

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