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"Just a touch of your love is enough to knock me off of my feet all week" Little Mix

Addison's POV

The first thing I do when we get out of the club and to the van that the boys had leased, is putting off my shirt. I don't care if I don't wear anything underneath except a bra because right now there is a lot of puke on it and I don't enjoy wearing that wet and stinky peace of cloth that makes me gag on simply it's smell.

I let the T-Shirt fall down onto the floor and try to cover my body with my arms. The air outside is cold and makes me shiver and I can feel that the boys try to not stare at my body.

It's a bit awkward but Brad is there to ease the tension.

"Damn, I haven't been that wasted in like a whole decade." He babbles and sinks down onto the backseat of the car.

"You know we perform a show tomorrow?" Connor asks and shoves Brad to one side of the backseat so he can sit on the other one.

"Who cares?!" Brad yells and yodels. "Who cares about tomorrow?" Then he starts singing. "Let's go crazy crazy crazy 'till we see the sun, I know we only met but let's pretend it's love, and never never never stop for anyone, tonight let's get some... An live while we're young."

At the words 'tonight let's get some' he thrusts into the air. I don't know how he managed that because he is in a laying/sitting position on the backseat but it looks funny and I can't help but laugh.

I don't know how he managed to get that drunk because he must have had the double amount of shots that I've had.

I'm glad that I'm not that drunk because that would have been really embarrassing.

Tristan walks around the car and gets something from the trunk. He throws it at me and I catch the dark cloth.
It's a T-Shirt that I pull over my head as quickly as I have it in my hands and I'm really thankful for it.

I breathe in the sweet scent of Tristan's aftershave that is stuck to the T-Shirt.

"Thanks." I tell him and he smiles at me.

"You're welcome."

Tristan's POV

I know I should have looked away when she put off her shirt but I just couldn't. She is so beautiful.

I love her hair because even though she is half Chinese, she must have inherited the blonde hair from her mother. The only hint that gives away that she's half Chinese, are her eyes.
They are dark and almond shaped and really punchy.

Now we sit in the car and all I can think about is her without a shirt earlier, about her sitting right next to me, about her thigh pressed against mine, wearing my shirt.

I don't know what's gotten into me but ever since I met her I can't stop thinking about her.
You can't imagine how happy I felt when I met her at the concert because the chance of seeing her again was zero percent.

"Addie?" I ask and try to drown Brad's raucous bawling that's coming out of his mouth since we started the car.
I love how she spins her head around to me and smiles at me because, damn, that smile could make worlds collide.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"Are you still drunk?" I ask because I don't dare to say what I actually wanted to say to her.
Addie shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't know... Don't think so. Think I'm getting sober again."

"Good, 'cause I don't want you to end up like that dork over here." I point at Brad who's bouncing up and down on his seat and Addie starts to laugh.

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