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August 24, 2014 12:45

John: Noah come over in like 10 min

Noah: why in 10 min?

John: bc James is almost leaving

Noah: ugh, this better be important

11 minutes later there is a knock on the door and John hurries to open it, "You're late!" Noah looks at his phone and rolls his eyes,

"Calm down! I'm only a minute late!" John stomps his foot on the ground and Noah shoots him a weird look

"Whatever, come in quick." Before Noah has the chance to walk he is already being pulled in by John. John slams the door and runs up the stairs, leaving Noah confused downstairs.

"Noah! Hurry up! My god." He mumbles the last part, Noah goes up the stairs and walks into his room. John was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Why are you acting so weird Johnathan?" He sits down on the hang around chair, John shoots him a look.

"So yesterday.. James and I- me and James- We.. made out?"

Noah sits up, sitting at the edge of the chair, "Wow, okay and?"

"And we were about to-" He takes a long pauses, making Noah impatient

"You were about to have sex! We get it! Keep going what happened?"

"Well we didn't."

Noah acts surprised, "No shit! I know you didn't, but why?"

"Because he is a top!"

Noah shrugs, "So what?"

"What do you mean 'so what'? I'm a top!"

"What? You're... a top?" He gasps, leaving his mouth wide open as he points at John. This time Noah really was surprised.

John jumps up, "Hey! Just because Im a bit short, doesn't mean I would be a bottom!" He crosses his arms and Noah lets out a chuckle

"Alright, alright. Did you guys do anything else? Blow him? Or talked about it?"

"Thats the thing, we didn't do anything. We laughed about it then went to bed. This morning we had breakfast and he left! What should I do?" He looks down at Noah, waiting for an answer.

Noah lets out a sigh and folds his hands,"Cant you just let him fuck you?" He looks up and John, who was looked slightly shocked.

"I would, but I wont."

"And why not?"

"Because." John simply says


John stands there with both of his hands on his hips, he mumbles something, Noah turns his head to the side and cups his ear, "I didn't hear that, what did you say."

John huffs, "Im insecure about my ass."

Noah teasingly pouts, "Oh honey." John rolls his eyes and walks to his closet, giving Noah a chance to look at his butt.

"John! You have a cute tushie what are you talking about?" John quickly turns back around and sits on his bed, cheeks turning red.

"Anyways you can try different things?" Noah continues the conversation

"What other things? I thought there was just like blowjobs, handjobs, and anal?" John lists what he knows

"Oh buddy, there are way more things you can do. For example, there is frotting-" Noah begins but John cuts him off, already curious of what that was

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now