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September 10, 2014 5:46 pm

"If you could send a message to the whole world, what would it be?"

John switches his phone to his right hand so he could grab a carton of milk.

"Oh, thats hard."

He stands in the middle of the aisle and thinks about the question.



"Why are you asking me these questions? Im shopping for food, I need to concentrate or else I'll buy stuff I don't need or miss something."

John hears a small whine on the other end and John shakes his head, forgetting Shawn cant see him.

"Im bored, and I was online and thought these questions are interesting."

John puts the milk in his cart and moves on, "You're avoiding homework aren't you?"

There is shuffling, then a sigh, "Yes."

"Well I don't like the idea of you not doing your work but I guess it could be fun while I shop."

"Yay! Okay what would you send?"

John thinks about it again as he grabs his favorite cereal. "What would you send?"

"Hm, I think I would say something like 'the end is near' something like that to freak people out. Or a picture of my butt! That's guaranteed to make it on the news."

John laughs, quietly so no one can hear and give him a weird look.

"Well I guess I would text them like a good, deep ass quote. One that'll make them think and be like 'hm, wow'"

"Well I guess that would be cool, but only if the quote is really good."

"Of course,"

John looks at his basket and makes sure he has everything he needs. "Okay Im done." He mutters and makes his way to the cash register.

"You're done?! That was quick."

John goes to the self checkout so he could leave quicker, "Yeah I didn't have to buy much. Its just me, my mom usually eats at the hospital or out." He starts to scan the few items he has.

"Oh, do you know how to cook?"

"Uh nope, but I do know how to make pancakes and eggs."

"You should invite me for dinner! Or I'll invite you? Whatever is fine but anyways I know how to cook! Kinda.. we could eat together. Im also alone most of the time."

John smiles at the idea of both of them having dinner. He grabs his two bags and walks out the store. "That sounds good."


John turns around and finds James walking towards him. "Uh Shawn, Im going to have to call you back."

"Are you okay?"

"Hm? Yeah I'm alright, do your homework."

John hangs up and puts his phone away, he walks towards James too. As James got closer, John could notice a shade of dark purple surrounding his left eye.

"John, why haven't you been answering my calls and texts?" John looks away and sighs.

"Im sure you know why. And what happened to your eye?"

James shrugs, "Noah came over my house and punched me, and left without saying why the hell why!"

John gasps, wondering who told Noah if he hasn't told anyone besides Shawn. Then he realizes that it was Shawn who told him.

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now