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August 30, 2014; 10 pm

John scratches his head as he tries to concentrate on his homework. But groans when he fails, there was a party in his neighborhood and the music was way too loud.

"Why are you even doing your homework on a Saturday night?" James starts, John doesn't look away from his book. "Save it for tomorrow."

"Why do it tomorrow if I can do it now? That way I can have Sunday off." John continues to write in his notebook.

James sighs and puts his phone away, walking towards John. He sits down on the bed and looks down at what he was working on, he was writing an essay on one of Shakespeare's sonnets, sonnet 58.

"What do you have to do?" James asked

"Uh, I need to read the sonnet and then write what it means, and what I think of it." John responds, still not looking up.

"That's cool, what is it about? I've heard of Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet, but Ive never read his other works." John looks up, eyes sparkling.

"His sonnets are great! We just started reading them in English class and I just instantly fell in love." He points at the page he was on, "This sonnet is by far one of my favorites. It's about him expressing his love towards a young man, and how he accepts that the man is free and fulfilling his pleasures."

James looks at him and nods. John continues, "The beginning is my favorite; 'That God forbid, that made me first your slave, I should in thought control your times of pleasure, or at your hand the account of hours to crave, being-' what are you doing?" John stops when he feels a jolt of arousal, James was kissing his neck.

"Mm, what does it look like?" James murmurs against John's skin, sending a soft vibration through all of his body. John flutters his eyes closed, letting out a small sigh.

"James I- oh" James' lips hover over the same spot that made John feel good. John moves his head back a bit, giving James more access.

"James I like this, I really do. But I need to finish my essay." John opens his eyes but immediately close again as James starts to softly suck on his neck.

"James please-" John lets out a quiet moan

"Are you asking me to stop? Or asking me to keep going?" James says in a low voice.

"I think a little but of both." John admits. "But seriously I need to finish this." He gently pushes James away, feeling a bit weird that his lips were detached from his neck.

James sighs, "Okay." He lays back and goes back on his phone. John places the big book on his lap to hide his obvious erection. He coughs and continues writing about the sonnet.

When he is done, John pretends to continue working. He was debating on wether he should continue where they left of to not continue at all. He's never been with another boy, let alone a top. John looks at James from the corner of his eye, he was still on his phone, with a small smile on his face.

After a few minutes of thinking, John puts his notebook inside his book and gets up, placing them both on his desk. He pulls down on his sweater, trying to cover the slight bulge in his pants. As he walks back to his bed, James looks up from his phone. He turns it off and places it on the bedside table.

John climbs on the bed and crawls towards James, sitting in front of him, he takes a deep breath. "So, I like you, you like me. I want to al the way with you, but, we are both tops. So..." James sits up,

"We don't have to fuck each other to please one another." James says, making John blush.

"I know, but I haven't done any other activity that doesn't involve an ass. Of course I have blown someone, but nothing else." John shyly admits, James grabs his shoulders and pushes John down on the mattress.

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now