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September 8, 2014

"Hehe, look at this John." Shawn hands him his phone, John grabs it and looks at the picture.

"Its a butt?" John's eyebrows furrow, but he still smiles.

"Yeah, but it's a monkey butt." Shawn giggles as John gives him back the phone.

"You are a weird kid." John laughs as he continues to type his essay. "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

"I can just do that another day." Shawn responds, not looking up from his phone.

"Why do it later when you can do it now."

"Why do it later when you can do it now."

Shawn mimics him, making John blush. "You are going to regret leaving this last minute Shawn."

"We'll never learn unless we make mistakes. Besides he doesn't even check the homework." Shawn looks up from his phone and looks for Noah.

Noah receives a message from Shawn, he looks at it and turns to Shawn laughing, "That's a nice monkey butt." Shawn nods, giggling again.

John shakes his head in disapproval, "You guys are so childish."

The rest of the class period is spent giggling and texting, in John's case, working. The small group walk out together and head home, going their own separate ways after a while. Except of course, Shawn and John. They have only been friends for almost a month, yet they feel completely comfortable towards each other. They weren't complaining though.

"Have you talked to James?" Shawn hated to be the one that brought up the subject but he wanted to know.

"Uh no, he has been calling me multiple times. But I have been ignoring him, hopefully I make myself clear." John shrugs, he honestly didn't even care about the whole situation anymore.

"And he hasn't stopped by?" Shawn questions, wanting to know more. He knows it isn't his business, but he wanted to know incase John forgave him and took him back.

"No, probably didn't care much about me. But it's okay because I didn't either." John lets out a small laugh, making Shawn grin. He was happy that John was getting over that dick head. And John honestly didn't care that James didn't come to apologize. "Want to do something?" John didn't really feel like going home yet.

"Sure! Do you have anything in mind?" John thinks before he responds. Then he remembers one of his favorite places, "Yes I do, it's like a small thrift store. But it's so small and cute, and has nice things inside."

"Alright lets go there."

On the walk there, John has major déjà vu as they walks through the small alley ways. His first heartbreak, first kiss, all those secret rendezvous, and quiet 'i love you's.

Shawn has never been in this part of town, especially in the alleys. As they walked through, he would appreciate the graffiti that was all over the fences.

"Here we are," They stop in front of a small building in the middle of town. John opens the door, letting Shawn walk in first.

They are greeted by warm air, heating their cold faces. John looks over at the old guy behind the cash register, "Hi Mr Clyde," he gives him a small wave, Shawn politely waves too.

Mr Clyde takes his reading glasses off and lets them hang down his neck, "Oh John! It's been a long time since you've been here, what happened?" John would always come here almost everyday, so he was close to Mr Clyde.

John sadly smiles, "Oh- well, I guess I haven't had time." John lies, "Im sorry."

"No need to apologize, I just miss my favorite customer." His words make John flush, Shawn smiles at how easily John blushes.

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now