Thirty- Three

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a long chapter bc you guys are the best and you deserve it <3

Shawn spent the week with his grandma.

He wanted to stay there with her forever if he could.

But he told John he would spend Christmas Eve with them.

His grandma drove him back home, it was only an hour drive.

He gave her a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car, a plate of cookies in his hand and his backpack draped over his shoulder.

His grandma waits until Shawn is inside, then she drives away.

Shawn walks into his house, it seemed colder and lonelier than usual. He sets the plate on the kitchen counter and lazily walks up the stairs, it was 4 in the afternoon but he was still tired.

His bedroom was organized, he was sure he left a big mess, but it seems like his mom had cleaned it. On his bed, there were four small packages and his phone. He had left it, not wanting to get texts or calls from anyone, anyone being John.

He picks up his freezing phone and looks at his notifications:

Missed Calls: John (4)

Voicemail (1)

John: iMessage (13)

Emily: Text Message (7)

Mom: Text Message (6)

Shawn opens his mom's messages first;

received / 12-20, 12:23
Mail came for you.
Oh, right. You left your phone.
You really need to clean up your room.
Okay, see you when you get back.

Next, he opens Emilys;

received / 12-19, 19:32
are u ok?
john told us that him and thomas r back together

received / 12-20, 20:09
haven't heard from u in a while..

received / 12-22, 10:22
hope you're okay!
and i hope to see you Christmas eve :)

sent / 14:10
sorry i was at my grandmas, left my phone at home
bur im okay, why wouldn't I be!!
and ofc im going, what time are u going?

Emily answers almost immediately.

received / 14:11
im going about 6:30!
and we'll talk about that later smh

sent / 14:11
i'll go at 6:40, just to be safe.

Shawn walks back and sits at the edge of his bed, opening John's messages next

received / 12-18, 10:12
Shawn sorry again about last night
you're probably still asleep so call me when you wake up?

received / 12-18, 14:28
Shawn are you okay?
can I come over later?

i really am sorry
you're one of my best friends, i don't want to lose you

I understand if you need some space, i'll leave you alone

received / 12-20, 13:10
are you okay?
havent heard from you in a while
please call me when you have the chance

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now