Twenty- Six

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August 8, 2013

"Thank you Martha, I appreciate it." John smiles at the lovely old lady behind the desk. He's known her since he was in middle school, when he didn't have anyone to hang out with he would always go into the office and have lunch with her.

"Anytime, and Im glad to see you again John." She smiles back and John closes the office door. It was the first day of his sophomore year and he couldn't be happier, he wasn't a tiny freshman but he also wasn't in the "superior" category, it was in between and he liked it.

He had gone to the office to get a new locker, he hated having to crouch down every time he had to go to his locker. So he asked a favor from Martha if it were possible to get a top locker, she gladly said yes and quickly switched the locker for him.

The hallways were overcrowded- mostly freshmen who were here early to find their classes, and there were some seniors who helped them find their way.

John turns left, and as he gets close to his locker a tall boy with brown hair bends over to open his locker, which was right under John's.

John stands there for a while, admiring his body. He's never seen him around before, maybe he's new, but it was hard to tell if he was a junior or senior. John's stare soon started to lower, landing on his ass, he had a nice one. John mentally laughed, shaking his head and looking back up. His neighbor was now standing up, stuffing his notebooks in his messenger bag. The boy looks up and John turns to the Snapple machine pretending he wanted one, his cheeks flushed.

He looks at the boy from the corner of his eyes but quickly looks away when he notices him staring back.

"Fuck," John mutters under his breath. He glances one more time to see what his face was like; his eyes were a light brown and he had a small but noticeable scar in the left corner of his mouth.

Maybe he should walk over to him, introduce himself after all they are sort of locker mates.

John takes a deep breath and walks towards his locker, thinking of what to say. Instead his mind goes blank and he walks past the tall boy. The stranger stands there, watching John walk away.

October 25, 2014

John slowly closes his locker, he looks under him, staring at the locker beneath him sadly. He hangs his backpack on one shoulder, he turns around and looks down the hall where Shawn was taking notebooks out from his backpack and into his locker. He can't believe he had lost two boys, what was he doing wrong?

John stands there, staring at Shawn with a small frown.

School was out so there were only a few students walking the halls.

A small tear falls down John's face. Shawn was oblivious to the fact that John was staring.

John brings his sleeve up to his cheek and wipes his own tear. Shawn finally turns around, putting his backpack on, he looks up and smiles, waving at John who was still staring.

Shawn's smile, it was genuine. It was beautiful, his smile could make anyone else smile. It used to make John smile. But as John watches Shawn smile at him, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of sad and angry. Even though it's been four weeks John was still sad that Shawn never came back to him or even apologized for playing around with him. But then again it wasn't entirely his fault, John was also at fault. He should've known better then let some guy who was questioning his sexuality experiment with him.

John blinks a few times, forgetting that he was standing in the middle of the hallway crying, probably looking like an idiot. He turns around and walks out the school doors, Shawn's hand lowers and his eyebrow raises as he confusingly watches John walk away

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now