Twenty- One

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September 13, 2014, 12:10 am

A smile is plastered on his face as his lips leave Shawn's. When John opens his eyes he spots a small grin on Shawn's soft lips. His smile grows even bigger, he lets out a small laugh- and Shawn does the same.

"Want me to walk you home?"

Shawn snaps out of his small thoughts and licks his lips, "Uh sure! Yeah let's go." He grins one last time and opens the door, walking out first.

John stands inside for a while, trying to remember the special moment that happened two minutes ago.

"Are you coming or?" Shawn calls from outside, his hands tucked inside his sweatshirt.

John holds up a finger, "Yeah, hold on." He runs into the living room and grabs a nearby blanket. He rushes back, closing the door as he walks out.

"Here, it's cold." He wraps the blue blanket around Shawn's shoulders and Shawn holds the two ends together.

"Thank you." John smiles and looks down at his feet. They start walking in silence, occasionally glancing at each other and grinning like idiots. As they start the house, Shawn's heart starts to race again. Should he hug him bye? Kiss him? Shake his hand?

"Talk to you later?" John speaks up, Shawn folds the blanket and extends his hands, giving it back to him. John grabs his hands and pushes them towards his chest. "You can keep it."

The blanket was quite warm, so he doesn't argue. He turns to his front door and takes out the key, pushing the door open. "See you later."

They both hesitate, not knowing wether the other was going to make a move or not. Shawn lets out a chuckle and leans in, planting a small kiss on John's cheek near his mouth.

They give each other one last smile before Shawn walks in his house. He walks in without saying another word and closes the door.

He bolts up the stairs and into his room. Shawn places the folded blanket on the edge of his bed, he lays down and covers his face with his hands.

As he remembers the moment that happened between them he cant help but blush. It's the only kiss he has ever enjoyed and wanted. It didn't seem awkward or forced, it felt like John actually cared for him.

He takes out his phone and goes to John's contact. His finger floats over the call button- it was late but; John's voice was quite soothing in a way, it's not deep but it's not high pitched either.

He can't believe he's thinking about a boys' voice- John's voice for god sake. And what are they now? Was it just a kiss that will later mean nothing? Will they continue to be friends or be more?

His finger accidentally touches the screen, the phone starting to call John. He puts it on speaker and lays it beside his head as he looks up at the ceiling.

"Hi Shawn"

"John, hi."

There's a small giggle, "I thought you were tired?"

"Yeah well I guess something's keeping me up."

There's a small silence, "And what's that?"

Shawn sighs, "What are we now?"

"What do you want us to be?"

Shawn scratches his forehead, "Well.."

"Well..?" John repeats

"I'm not gay."

"Of course you're not."

Shawn lets out a small laugh but doesn't say anything else.

"We can talk about that another time. We can take it slow, do whatever you like."

"Thank you, John" Shawn felt relieved, knowing that he didn't have to give him an answer right away.

"So how does if feel to be awake at this time?"

"Weird," They both let out a chuckle. It wasn't even funny but they still laughed. "Im going to be so tired in the morning but its okay,"

There's another silence. Shawn grabs the phone and takes it off of speaker, he brings it up to his ear. He sits up and lays back on his pillow.

"I think its funny that you are on the other side of the street and here we are, talking on the phone."

"Well I mean you could come over.. but I think one of my parents will be here soon and I don't want them to ask why there is a boy in my bed."

Shawn hears shuffling on the other end, "Why would I be in your bed?"

"Oh- uh.. I mean," Shawn rambles

"Im teasing." John's laugh fills his ears

The next 3 hours are spent talking about random things. Teasing each other and making one another blush, but of course they couldn't see it.

At 3:20 am their conversation starts to slowly die. Both of their voices become slow and deep due to them being tired. John is the first one to fall asleep.


Shawn yawns and looks at the screen, immediately regretting it, the bright white screen startles him. He closes his eyes again, relaxing.

"John?" He asks one more time, yawning after. His eyelids feeling heavy, it was clear that John had fallen asleep.

"Goodnight." He mumbles before he drifts to sleep- both of their phones still on.

if you guys write a boyxboy story with Shawn, send me a message! I would love to read it! I need gay Shawn in my life and there are not many stories out there

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