Thirty- Four

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[Im so bad at updating im sorry! School is going great so far, but I do have a lot of homework, smh. SO here's a short chapter for you guys. Thank you for all the lovely pms and comments, also thank you for voting <3]

Noah lets out a loud sigh that fills the quiet room. He turns his head to see if Shawn was awake, but instead he greeted with the back of his head. He turns the other way and turns his phone on- it was 3 in the morning, of course Shawn wouldn't be awake.

Noah has been having trouble sleeping lately, he just stays up at night staring at the wall. His mind empty. Sometimes he liked staying up because he always got a chance to see the sun set and rise.

It was nice but, it always left him really tired.

He sits up and the bed creaks quietly. Shawn changes position beside him and Noah slows down his movements.

Noah walks lazily to the kitchen.

Careful not to wake anyone up, he grabs a cup from the cabinet and opens the fridge to get the cold jug of water.

He pours some into the cup, filling it half way.

He brings up the cup up to his lips and takes a small sip.

Noah sits down at the counter and looks down at the glass of water in front of him.

"Oh, hey Noah."

Noah looks up and sees Thomas standing underneath the doorway. He was wearing a long sleeved shirt with sweatpants. Noah raises lifts his eyebrows, "Hey."

Thomas walks to the refrigerator and gets out two water bottles. "Why are you up so late?"

Noah shrugs his shoulders, not wanting to look up, "Dunno, cant really sleep. You?"

Thomas sets the two bottles on the counter and leans onto it, "Uh, well John woke up. Said he was thirsty, so I came to get these."

Noah finally looks up at him and Thomas avoids his eyes, he knows what was coming.

"You know, you really hurt him."

Thomas clenches his jaw, "I know." He responds with a barely audible whisper.

"He cried and cried, he wouldn't come out of his room and he wouldn't eat." Noah pauses before continuing, "He was in the hospital because of that,"

"We finally got him to come out of his room, but he still wasn't the same John he used to be. Not until the beginning of this-"

"Please stop, I don't want to hear more of what i caused." Thomas quietly interrupts.

"No, this is exactly why I'm telling you. So you don't do the same shit again." Noah raises his voices slightly, but he looks over to the living room and takes a deep breath.

"Im happy for you guys. I really am. You made John really happy back then, and it looks like he's happy now too. But I don't want to see him sad again." Noah shakes his head and Thomas finally looks at him, "Not again."

"I don't want to hurt him again either. I want to treat him better."

He nods, "Good. If you don't, someone else will."

Thomas nods and wishes him a goodnight as he picks up the water bottles and starts walking out. He stops under the doorway, he turns around "One more thing."

"Whats that?"

"Should I-" Thomas lightly groans, hesitating whether to ask or not. "Shawn. Should I be.. worried?"

Noah looks past his shoulder, he could see Shawn, who was now facing their way.

He gets up and drinks the last of his water before putting the cup in the sink.

"I would be." He gives him a small smile, "Night."

Noah walks past him and walks back into the living room. Behind him he can hear the lights being switched off and footsteps going up the stairs fast and quietly.

Noah carefully gets under the covers and faces Shawn, who was had a small soft smile on his lips, but he wasn't awake. He was probably just dreaming of something nice.

All Noah could hear is the soft breathing that came from Shawn's mouth and quiet movements upstairs. He looks up at the ceiling and closes his eyes, trying to focus on Shawn's steady breathing.

It took him a while but he he finally went to sleep.

Boys- Shawn Mendes auWhere stories live. Discover now