Sleep On me

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Keith's P.O.V:

This wasn't me. Not me at all.

My hands were trembling as I hunched over my bed, my hair swaying over my pointy nose.

"Lance..." I spoke at only a whisper. The name of that sweet (But a pain in my ass) boy...

Lance. The blue Paladin. My small crush, since we first met... But obviously, I haven't said anything for years. And. It was ruining me.

"WHY THE FUCK DO YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU UNGRATEFUL FUCK!" I shouted as I stood up and ran into my private bathroom. The white and pale colours giving me spacious feelings and less anger that boiled in me.

My eyes poisoned each other in the mirror with this toxin that flew into my stomach. Something along the things of which I had wish to describe as... Romance? Love? Lust? It wasn't until I heard the 'swoosh' of my door opening and closing before I jumped out the bathroom in complete panic.

It wasn't long until I noticed a sleepy yet happy Lance was in front of me, he was wearing a really large sweater that made his soft, smooth shoulders appear from them. His beautiful, brown hair was into a tangled, steaming hot mess that only happened rarely. Which made me (for some reason) feel absolutely special to see this rare occurrence.

"Keith... I" Lance rubbed his sore eyes, "I can't sleep, Keith, may I s-sleep here tonight... Please"

It wasn't long until I could feel the burning and tingling sensation, spreading across my face. His tired complexion and the blue, exhausted eyes - forced my ambiguous heart to go absolutely crazy with what felt like ecstasy!!!

I approached the innocent Lance with my slow walk and hugged his tired ass (NOT LITERALLY >///<) , stroking his mess of a hair. Within moments, Lance was out like a power cut.

This... This feeling, Keith, you're so delusional.

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