Even When I Lose My Head, Guillotine~

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Night became morning.

And their fun became endless snores and cuddles.

Keith began to stir within his rest, his chest feeling heavy and his lower back feeling frail and sore.

"W-What happened?" He pondered, his fingers rearranging his temples in confusion.

Then he opened his eyes. Not more could be said when it was all coming together...

"LANCE MCCLAIN YOU'RE A DEAD MAN!" The raven-haired boy raced towards the door ready for some 'heated action' (wink wink, nudge nudge) (Not really, I lied whoops!) until he was abruptly stopped by the sending pain on his lower back and abdomen.

"When I find him," Keith grunted, "I will ask questions..."

As he tried to pick his own body up, he heard a slight groan and snore come from the bed. As soon as Keith slightly turned, Lance's sleepy head popped out from beneath the covers. His mouth was gaping open, making the snores louder and louder.

But he looked cute. But he's an idiot. But his adorable smile within that annoying snore... Ugh, he's too adorable!!!

"Shut the fuck up! Stupid thoughts!" Keith instantly got up, regret washes over him as another pain is shot down into his leg muscles. Whatever that boy did...

He will pay...

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