The secrets you tell me I'll take to my grave

442 16 14

Hunk's P.O.V:

I sit in the living room, waiting. And waiting.

Next thing you know, I had just gorged on half of the broken biscuits on the coffee table as Keith chirps in with his happy (But moody? I guess) voice.

"Hey Keith! Uh..." I stumble my words slightly after the whole incident, "Where's Lance? You didn't kill him, did you?"

"W-What?! No, I'm pretty sure that I didn't!" Keith didn't hesitate to raise his hands and look shocked.

Next thing you know, my phone bleeps loudly and causes me and Keith to jump out of our skins.

I look down at my phone and noticed that it was a message coming through to Coran.

"Hunk, where are you? We need you, Keith and Lance now to come back immediately!"

"Alright, we are on our way :D" I send back, hoping that Lance and Keith join now.

"Who was that?" Keith now, sat next to me.

"Oh, it's Coran! He wants to know if you guys are heading to the ship ASAP. We get to meet the lions again and it will truly be another exciting adventure! I guarantee it!"

Keith raised his eyebrow at me, then once I showed him proof, he mouthed "Oh" at me and left the room.

Did I do something wrong? Anyways, those cookies I baked are going to go stale if the guys don't eat them! Yum! :3

Lance's P.O.V:

I still couldn't grasped what had happened. I think I was in here, the bathroom for a DECADE NOW! I look at the time... No, half hour - JEEZ!

My train of thought got cut off short once Keith stepped in."

"LANCE! LANCE! A MISSION!" His face went from excitement, to sadness quick (0-100)

"Lance... Is everything okay?"

I only nod.

"Look, I know what you saw was... horrifying." His eyes start to glow, suddenly shaking his head, "But I promise that after this mission, I will explain ALL OF IT TO YOU! But you MUST keep it between us"

I look down at the marble sink...

"Why not now? We will become so seduced by the fun adventures of this mission, that we BOTH KNOW that we will instantly forget any part of today! Come on Keith!" I raise my voice at this point.

"Answer me Keith, love, how long has this been going on for? Surely this isn't knew to you?"

Keith puts his hand on my shoulder, looking directly at my eyes through the mirror.

"Honestly, Lance," His face drops, "for quite a long time. Since puberty..."

I instantly look at him with fear struck across my face.

"Keith, babe, nobody has anything like that during those" I shiver "Gross times. Yeah, I get it, hormones and stuff like that but-"

"But I don't even understand either, Lance!" Keith did look scared himself. "I'm sorry that I had hid this from you. I wouldn't have been able to addressed it to you any sooner, if I'm honest. These are changes that even change who I am... To some extent. I become flustered, yet focus. So at lust with you, yet again still focused. I will forever remember things, but something doesn't add up. And I'm still trying to figure it out - even to this day!"

(Comment a '🖤' if you want the rest of this chapter and the next to be F I L L E D WITH SMUT! If I get over five then I will) :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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