Chapter 2 •The Masked Ball•

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•Your POV•
"Wow!" "This mansion is even bigger than ours!" You jump out of the carriage and slip on a stone. Expecting to hit the ground, you squint your eyes. You waited for a moment but didn't feel anything. You look up to notice there is a tall butler wearing a black mask and a black tailcoat who had caught you. "Welcome Lady (Y/N) (L/N)." He said. You try to regain your balance as you curtsy. "Sorry about that and thank you." You smile at the tall man as he chuckles. "It is quite all right, allow me to take you inside." You follow the butler as he opens the door to the manor. As soon as he does, there is music playing and many people wearing masks dancing. You excuse yourself as you enter the ballroom.

•Time skip (about 25 minutes later)•

I'm sitting on a bench on the side of the room as I see a young man about my age approach me.

•Ciel's POV•
I enter the ballroom after getting my mask and outfit prepared and I look over to the bench as a young lady with a (F/C) dress catches my eye. I walk over to her and reach my hand out. "Would you care for a dance, my lady?" She turns her head and nods as she grabs my hand and we walk out to the dance floor.

•Sebastian's POV•
My, my, what is this? The young lord has gone to the middle of the ballroom with lady (Y/N). This catches me by surprise, the young lord does not like to dance.

•Your POV•
I dance with this man then suddenly I didn't introduce myself. "I'm sorry, I completely forgot, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)." The young man looks at you and replies "I am the earl Phantomhive, but you can call me Ciel." You blush as you continue to dance. About 2 minutes later the song finishes as you bow and return to the bench to rest. Your face was red because you were blushing so you decide to go to the bathroom and calm down. As you walk down the hallways, you think to yourself. Why was I blushing when I was dancing with Ciel? Why do I feel so nervous around him? You enter the bathroom and splash water into your face. You dry your face and return to the ball room.

•Ciel's POV•
I walk over to my butler as he has a smirk on his face. "Why are you smirking like that." I ask him with an irritated look on my face. He looks at me and says "You never dance my lord, what made you want to dance now?" I look away from him and blush a little bit. I see (Y/N) come back into the ball room. I start to head towards her until I hear someone call my name. "CIIIEEEELL!" A girl with blonde hair and a pink dress runs towards me. It's Elizabeth.

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