Chapter 6 •Sunrise•

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•Your POV•
I hear a soft voice calling my name. It's Ciel. I open my eyes in confusion because I notice it's still dark outside. He grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of his room. We silently run down the hallways and we exit the manor and go out into the garden. I rub my eyes, not knowing what Ciel was doing or what time it was. We reach the garden and sit onto a bench next to a rose bush. I look up to see bright colors of reds, oranges, pinks and yellows. It's a sunrise.

•Ciel's POV•
I woke (Y/N) up early enough to see the sunrise. I looked at her and she was gazing at it. Her face was filled with awe, I can't help but smile. I wish this moment could last forever. After a couple minutes I feel something touch my shoulder. (Y/N) had fallen back asleep. She looked like a princess while she slept. No Ciel! You have to get married to Elizabeth. I love Elizabeth but only like family. I just don't want to hurt her feelings. I carry (Y/N) back to my bedroom to let her continue to sleep. After awhile, I drift back into a deep sleep.

•Time Skip (later in the morning)•

•Your POV•
I open my eyes again to find myself back in Ciel's bedroom. Ciel has his arms around me and my face is buried in his chest. I remember the beautiful morning sunrise and smile. Apparently Ciel was awake because when he saw me smile he told me good morning. I blush and tell him good morning back. We hear a knock on the door as Sebastian enters with a rolling cart full of food. "Are you hungry
(Y/N)?" Ciel asks me. My stomach grumbles and I nod. Ciel chuckles and Sebastian hands us our breakfast. After Sebastian leaves, Ciel and I start to talk again. After a few minutes he asks me "So you are afraid of thunder, huh?" I look away embarrassed. I know he saw it because he says "There is no need to be embarrassed." I blush and smile, he does the same.

•Time Skip (Afternoon)•

•Ciel's POV•

(Y/N) and I are playing chess. She is a lot better at it than I had expected. A few minutes later Sebastian comes and announces "My lord, lady Elizabeth will be arriving shortly." I sigh and have an annoyed look on my face as (Y/N) starts to speak up. "So Ciel, is Elizabeth a childhood friend or family?" I wanted to avoid telling her this, "She is my fiancé" I say while looking directly into her eyes. She gets a sad expression, she is strong and trying to hide it. "Oh....."

•Your POV•
Why was I so sad about this? I asked my self this many times. Why, why, why? I finally came to my senses and realized, I love Ciel Phantomhive.

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