Chapter 19 •Ciel's Birthday•

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•Time Skip (December 14th)

•Ciel's POV•
I wake up, a lot later than usual. Once again (Y/N) isn't in bed. I sigh and get out of bed. I walk over to my closet and open it to find nothing but a box.

Wear this today, hope you like it,

Is this a gift? What day is it anyway. I walk over to my calendar and check the date. Of course, how could I have forgotten. It's my birthday today. I wonder how (Y/N) knew. I walk back over to my closet and open the box. Inside is a midnight blue outfit. My favorite color. As soon as I put on the outfit, I notice an even smaller box at the bottom. I open it to find a ring that looks similar to my ring. I put it on and it matches with the outfit perfectly. As soon as I open my door to leave, I find Sebastian on the other side. He looks at me and then starts to laugh. "What's so funny!?"

•Sebastian's POV•
My young master attempted to dress himself I see. He did not do it correctly. His pants are backwards, the vest isn't completely buttoned, the laces on the boots aren't even tied and he still had bed head. I bring him back into the room and fix him up. "My my, young lord, I see you still aren't capable of dressing yourself." He gives me an irritated look as I chuckle. Once I finish, I exit the room to bring in a breakfast cart. When I'm done, I exit the room.

•Ciel's POV•
Sebastian brings in a breakfast cart and exits the room. I look at the cart and notice a note card. I grab it and open it.

Hope you enjoy breakfast dear, I made it with lot's of love,

As I recall, (Y/N) is very good at cooking. She was able to help me make a new chocolate cake. I look at the cart and it has lot's of food. On one plate, there is scrambled eggs with bacon and hash browns on the side. On another, there is a large stack of about 15 pancakes, with blueberry syrup on the side. I begin to eat.

•Time Skip (after breakfast)•
I finish the delicious meal and Sebastian comes back into my bedroom. "Young lord, you have quite a bit of paperwork you must do in your study." I sigh and walk out of my bedroom and go across the hall into my study.

•Sebastian's POV•
After the young master left the room, I began to chuckle. He was actually all caught up on work but lady (Y/N) had requested for me to find something to keep him busy while she decorates then ball room. So I stayed up last night making fake letters and documents to keep him busy.

•Ciel's POV•
I'm looking at these documents and letters and they are ridiculous. One of the letters says that I should increase the amount of cat toys in the company. Sort of makes me think that Sebastian wrote this letter. That damn demon.

Check out Part 2!

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