Chapter 13 •The Decision•

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•Time Skip (Lizzys Arrival)•

•Ciel's POV•
I sigh having to leave (Y/N)'s side, especially when she is sick because of my dumb idea. I hear the carriage pull up and Elizabeth shouting "CIIEEELL!" I rush over to her and tell her to be quiet. She asks me why. "Because (Y/N) is sick and is trying to rest." Elizabeth looks at me with jealousy and says "Why is she still here." I look at her in annoyance. "She is still here because she is our guest and I lo........." My words being cut off realizing I almost told Elizabeth. Maybe I should tell her. I can cancel this marriage and be happy with (Y/N). Yes, I am going to tell her. I take Elizabeth's arm into the garden. She gives me a questioned look but comes along anyway. When we finally reach the garden, the words come right out of my mouth. "Elizabeth I want to cancel the marriage." Instead of sadness, Elizabeth looks at me with anger. "No! You can't cancel the marriage!" She yells at me.

•Your POV•
I wake up to the sound of a high pitched voice yelling. Ciel's window looks right out into the garden. I see Ciel and Elizabeth standing there. Elizabeth looks angry. I try to recall what she was yelling about. Oh, I remember she said that he can't cancel the marriage. Wait, what?! I continue to listen to their conversation to find it what's going on. "Elizabeth, I don't love you, I love (Y/N) and that will never change!" I recognize the voice, it's Ciel's. "(Y/N) is the only thing that makes me happy!" I quietly gasp at his words. I can't believe it, Ciel does love me. I accidentally cough. Oh no, I think Ciel heard it. "Now if you will excuse me, (Y/N) is sick because of my stupid mistake and I would like to be up there with her to comfort her." Lizzy is left speechless. I can't believe what I heard. I quickly run back into Ciel's bed and pretend to be asleep. A couple minutes later, I hear the door open slowly. I hear a couple light footsteps and someone coming into the bed. I can feel Ciel's warmth. Then I don't feel the warmth anymore. A couple seconds later, I feel it again but getting closer and closer. I then feel his soft lips touch mine. I wait until he stops kissing me for me to open my eyes.

•Ciel's POV (when he walks into the room)•
I quietly try to open the door. I don't want to wake (Y/N) up. I slowly walk over to the bed and get into it. A couple moments later, I make my final decision as I go over to her and lightly kiss her. After I finish, I see her open her eyes. I hear her start to say something but I cut her off. I hug her tightly and whisper in her ear, "I love you (Y/N)."

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