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Katherine looked towards the door as she heard the sudden hard knock. She recognized that smell, her eyes widened, and she felt as if he heart stopped. With a shaky sweaty hand, she slowly opened the door.

The person she saw in front of her, made her stomach turn and her head dizzy. Instantly, Caleb growled and was at the door. "Co-Cole?" She asked, faintly and now fear overwhelmed her.

Caleb was instantly outside and shifted over a shifting Cole, but what happened shocked them both. Cole shifted but instantly back away and tucked his tail, a sign of surrender. They both shifted, and clothed before caleb yelled for cole not to give him a reason to kill him right now.

"I found my mate!!! I found her!" And Katherine and Caleb both froze as he said this, and an older looking late 20s lady walked out, and she was stunning. "Katherine, Caleb, this is my mate, Katana. I've told her everything, and I just wanted to say I'm sorry for before. I had a really bad fascination with you Katherin-" "clearly ." caleb smarted off, and for once, Katherine cut him off as well.

"I will only accept your apology if you and your mate can promise a final peace. No more following, killing, nothing. Like we never met if need me. I have a family, and if you threaten my husband or my children, I will shred you faster than a shark could swallow a fish hole. You'd be dead before you even recognized it."

"And one more thing Cole.." "Yeah?" He asked, and suddenly she punched him hard, him standing up and spitting out blood. "That's for all of those years, now go. " she said, and that was the last of Cole.

Katherine knew they'd have trouble in the future, they were a pack of supernatural animals, different from the average world, and most humans would think of them as a threat than another person. She grabbed her mates hand, and smiled. "That was pretty hot babe. I like you feisty."Caleb said, before she laughed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you baby." She said, and then they went inside, where they picked up their kids, and couldn't be any happier.

                                -The End-

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