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Keep it inside
I wish I could say things that I feel to people but I can't. Countless times people have ignored me when I try to talk to them about something serious. Other times when I do tell them they just don't know what to say or they just say it will be okay. I feel like that makes my problem seem insignificant. Some of the time people just see it and ignore what I say. At least that feels like that. I just keep what I feel bottled inside. Another thing I don't like is when I tell someone I don't feel like talking about it they pester me to tell them. I just feel like I can't tell anybody what I truly feel.
For me ,forgiving someone is very hard. If I don't forgive you for a long time just know that I will. It might take me a while but I'll get there eventually. I'm sorry to all the people in the past who I haven't forgiven. Just know that I always will love my friends.
My brothers sleep over
Since I'm a girl I usually don't think guys would talk about anything other than video games and crap like that.(I know sexist right?) but turns out I am wrong. I right now as I'm writing this am listening to my brothers conversations and damn... They're pretty deep. He just talks about his love life and how bad someone hurt him. They actually are giving me advice even though they don't know I'm here. And i think they are right about everything they're talking about. He said you'll fall in love with the person you'll least expect. I know that's cheesy crap but it's true. I'm just appalled that they talk about this stuff. I thought it was only girls who gossiped about their love life but I'm sadly mistaken
As I was about to write this chapter I was gonna text my friends about what they're saying but then I realized, They probably don't care. I didn't feel like talking to them. Not that mad at them but I just feel like they wouldn't care. I just don't see talking to a lot of people because in the past they didn't really care about what I was talking about. I don't know what I'm ranting about right now... As this is called my random thoughts, it's probably just my tired mind speaking.
People who hate me
As of right now I don't think anybody absolutely hates me. I've had people hate me in the past but it wasn't to the point where they actually were gonna hurt me. I know I'm gonna have people who hate me in the future. Hopefully my friends will be there to back me up ... Because that's one of my biggest fears to not have friends to get my back.
These chapters are usually not that long because I just write until I'm tired so yeah right now it's 11:58 and I'm tired so goodnight :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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