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I wake up, looking for Natasha. I can't find her....anywhere! I start to get all freaked out and scared but I look at where I am and I'm still on the machine on the hospital bed? I think I know whats happened and then a nurse enters the room and looks shocked to see me awake and that kinda confirms what I was thinking for me....last night didn't happen which means...Josh...he could still be alive...and...and DAYL HAS LONGER TO COME BACK! I toss around and start to un attach things from me and the nurse asks me to sit and wait on my doctor coming through to help me. I exhale and smile and nod quietly...I am panicking inside but I want to stay calm on the outside and I know I should be panicking I mean....I did just have another Dream cause by Blurry sooo? But I stay calm and one I get unattached from the machines e.tc I ask the doctor a million questions but he doesn't answer and his face looks bad....well not bad but I can't explain it but I know he doesn't want to answer my questions, I worry a lot now. I calm myself down and relax back onto the bed. A nurse walks back into the room, she smiles at me "A friend is here to see you." I am hoping too see Josh or Natasha but my hopes don't come true but I am still happy to see as Jenna walks in through the doors and the nurse kinda smiles? 'Yeah Jeann, she will help you answer your questions." She smiles and walks out. I smile and hug Jenna "Hey!" She doesn't really smile back...infact she bursts into tears!

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