(Rickyl)Night shift

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The moon shined bright and the night was silent. Daryl stared out the prison bars that kept him caged and protected. Cold air swept by his arms as he shuddered. He sighed and leaned up against the prison walls hugging his knees to his chest.
"Dammit. Why the hell is always so fuckin cold all the damn time?" He spat to nobody. "It's bad enough nights are sleepless as it is."

There were never a time where people would walk out of their cells and cheerfully say: "Wow, I slept so well! No worries, no stress, everything's fine." In fact, that was NEVER. Nobody was ever that happy. Not at times like this.

Daryl pulled a lock of his bangs and held it between his fingers. His hair, as time goes by, was getting longer and longer. But when you're in a zombie apocalypse that stuff never mattered.

It seemed like nothing else mattered besides survival. Daryl got up off his bed and grabbed his crossbow. If he couldn't sleep, might as well take the night shift of whoever's watching the prison now.
Taking quick light steps and walking past many cells, Daryl paused to a halting stop and took a step backwards and peered into one of the cells.

There was no walker, but just his leader, Rick. His face looked so relaxed when he was asleep, rather cute in fact. Daryl took a longing glance at how comfortable Rick looked and shook his head at the sudden thought that decided to show up. But he gave in.

With trembling hands, Daryl slowly pushed the heavy gate door to the side. At all of this, Rick stirred only slightly and continued to sleep peacefully again. Daryl knew he should have been a bit more quieter but that was next to impossible. Leaning his crossbow against the wall, Daryl sat down next to Rick's bed and buried his face in his arms as he brought his knees to his chest again.

At this point, Daryl just looked like a lonley little child at a playground who had no one to play with. But even in the end, it felt nice to feel that someone was right next to him even if they were sleeping. The calm deep breaths and the warm body heat that emitted off of someone who was truly alive. All of it was enjoyable-
Nearly as enjoyable as sharing the moment.

The pale moonlight that came from a window outside of the cell interfeared with the shadows of the steel bars that stood tall and proud at every place you turned your head. The same scene was starting to bore Daryl after a few minutes. As he started to doze off, he felt a hand laid gently on his head. He whipped around quickly and was met with a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

"Couldn't sleep?" Rick mumbled. When Daryl didn't answer he gave him one more option. "Lonley?"
Daryl peeled his eyes off of Rick to the floor. "No."He lied. "Just really cold 's all." Partly, that wasn't a
Iie, but still, Rick scooted himself away from Daryl. He patted the seat next to him. His eyes shining with empathy. Daryl hesitated, feeling as nervous as he did when he snuck in. Slowly climbing up to sit on the bed, Daryl took a long glance at Rick.

He was smiling and that made Daryl want him even more.
But before one other thought came into mind of tackling Rick in hugs Daryl asked, "You sure."
I wouldn't have made the offer if not." Rick replied.

Cautiously, Daryl lay his body down next to Rick's. He could feel his face heating up and could feel Rick falling back asleep. Adjusting himself so he didn't have to face Rick, an arm snaked around Daryl's torso.

"Ya really were cold weren't ya?"
Annoyance took over Daryl hearing the note of sarcasm in his friend's voice.
"It ain't like that. Now shut up an' go ta sleep."
"Yer cute, Daryl."
"Yeah, well you're cuter." Daryl's eyes sprung wide with shock at the words he just spoke. Did he really just call Rick cute? Was he really that flustered for finding a good comeback? His heated face worsened and he was ready to disappear into thin air. But at this, Rick only chuckled and held Daryl tighter to his chest.

"Cute and lovable." Rick commented. Daryl wasn't even going to try to argue back so he could risk saying another stupid thing. So instead he released himself from Rick's grip and flipped himself over so he was face to face with the man he was sharing the bed with. Daryl came Close and gently gave Rick a peck on the cheek. Resuming to hold Daryl, Rick rubbed his back and kissed him on the head.

"Ya never told me you were gay for me."
Daryl gave a muffled reply.
"I bet you were the same god damn way."
Daryl was starting to have his doubts but to his surprise, Rick nodded.
"Maybe just a lil' bit."
"Alright, alright. Ya got me."
"But how 'Bout this: you have to give me a kiss every time I ask for one, no whining, no excuses, and no refusals." It took a while for Daryl to answer and Rick was starting to assume he was asleep.
"Alright, alright, done. Agreed. Now leave me alone."

"Goodnight then."
Just a small "meh" from Daryl was all Rick received. Rick smiled. He now had Daryl all to himself.

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