wellin căfe

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I got home and dumped my stuff in my room and wondered in to the kitchen amd hot myself a tea spoon full of chocolate spread

a girls got to have her pleasures

"plus it helps" I said even though no-one was home. I went turn the tv on to catch up on whats been happening on kerrange radio but found  a note stuck to it, it read:

dearist samiya

theres pezza in the frezza and the matches are on top of the frigid the cooker has been playing up again.

im at Al's shes had a hard time with looking after Henry and Chloe,so im gonna go over and help out. I probably wont be back till you go to bed so dont wait up.

i love you and  sleep well

love mum

I turned the paper over shed written a ' ps' note ( she always dose)

p.s dont use our wifi its crashed if you want theres a tenner in the bicket tin under my bad you can go over to wellin căfe and use theirs xx

'so thats where she keeps the bickets'

I got out my uniform and surched for my black Sabbath top and black skinny jeans

(yeah I know walking around your house in nothing other than a bra and panties isnt right)

I found  my black Sabbath top but my jeans where another problem...

thay where floating next to the bathroom...

"because thats normal" I said aloud

I grabbed my jeans and quickly pulled them on but I didnr float.

oh how disappointing

I shrugged and grabbed my satchel and got the tenna. I made my way to wellin căfe. I had to find out what was going on!

wellin căfe is one of those places where you step in side and its like you have no problems, so I made my way over to a computer put my stuff down and loged on. I come here so often I have my own part on the computer. I ordered my uesual chocolate mountain.

a chocolate mountain is hot chocolate with whipped cream and marsh mellows its so yummy.

I went on the internet and searched 'floating jeans' and hot nothing but when I searched 'dead girl seen in class room ' I got links to ghost storys, ghost hunters and necomancer sites so I looked.

I logged off and gathed my stuff and went to leave I pushed the door open to bizzy fafing about with my satchel to concentrate what was going on so I bumped into someone. I looked up to see jack...

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