Chapter One

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Just a normal day for a normal girl. If being friends with the chipmunks and chippettes were normal.

I sat in my living room on the couch watching some TV.

"This season on American idol, we have a new host...the Chippettes!"The announcer said.

Nice going for the girls. I thought.

I yawned getting bored of sitting indoors doing nothing. It was like the start of summer and I have noting to do!

I took out my phone and went to contacts and clicked on 'Alvin'.


Alvin: Hello?

You: Hey Al. What you guys up to today?

Alvin: sup (nickname) we were thinking of throwing a party

You: 'we' or 'you' ?

Alvin: fine it was my idea. So? You in?

You: hmmm yeah I'm in! I'm bored being alone at home anyways.

Alvin: Your Aunt's on a business trip again?

You: yeah. Anyway should I bring anything over?

Alvin: Nah we'll order pizza oh bring your guitar.

You: yea sure see ya in a minute

Alvin: see ya

*hang up*

I sit up went to my room to go change into a pair of jeans , a band T and a jacket. I picked  my phone, keys and guitar then put one my shoes and went out the door, locking it.

My house was only a few houses away from theirs. I often hang out with them when my aunt was away. Your probably wondering where my parent are, well let's just say their in a better place now.

I arrived at their front door and knocked.

"It's open!" A high pitched voice, I recognized to be Theodore, said.
I went in and set my guitar by the couch and jumped on.

"(Y/N)!" Theodore exclaimed and jumped on my lap.

"Hey little guy! Where are your brothers and sisters?"

"They're in the kitchen. I'll take you." He said and bounced of my lap. I followed him to the kitchen.

"(Y/n)!" The chipmunks and chippettes exclaim as I enter the kitchen.

"Hey guys! So what's this I hear about a party?" I asked.

"Well, it's a party to celebrate Dave's birthday!" Jeanette exclaims.

"Wait I thought it was a going away party for us?" Brittany said confused.

"Uhh that too." Alvin adds then chuckled nervously.

"Well, whatever it's for, I'm in!" I said getting excited.

"Great! First you can help us by filming us a message to Dave."

--time skip--

Okay so that took a long time to get the party going. It's now night time and I am on the dance floor showing my moves!

"Hey Redfoo! This track is good and all but why not put on one of your classics?" I said to him.

"Yeah foo! Give em the Party Rock Anthem!" Alvin exclaimed.

"You like the old school huh? Well I got something new for you guys!" Redfoo said and changed the track to Juicy Wiggle.


Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now