Chapter Six

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"Hey, (y/n). Wake up." A high pitch voice said. I groaned and turn the other way.

"Ugh...what?" I said still not opening my eyes.

"(Y/n), wake up. We have to leave now." Another voice, I assumed to be Simon's. I groaned again and sat up. I rubbed the sleep off my eyes and opened them then saw three chipmunks on my lap and a red eyed Miles sitting across from me.

"What's up with you?" I asked coldly still not forgetting last night.

"I...I'm sorry." He said with his head falling down.

"For?" I asked getting up, the munks jumping of my lap as I pat the dirt off my pants.

"For being a jerk and throwing Luke's number out the window and destroying your chance of hooking up with him." Miles said which surprised me at the last part.

"Wha-what does throwing his number have to do with hooking up with him? I don't like him." I said feeling my face warm up.

"I see your face is red!" He points out smiling slightly.

"Oh shut up! I'm still mad at you!" I said trying to be serious but ended up smiling as well. Sigh. Just seeing him smiling brightens up my day. Wait what?! Ahem-erase thought of what I just thought.

"Mhmm. Whatever." He rolled his eyes with a smile and stands up as well.

"Okay. Now that we got that out of the way, let's head to Miami people!" Alvin cheers and the three of them start to run on their fours to the streets.

"Hey wait up!" I said grabbing mi bag followed by Miles getting his bag and we followed the munks to the road.

-5 minutes later-

"So *pant* tired *pant*" I hear Alvin say from behind.

"We've only been walking for five minutes! I can still see the tree!" Miles exclaims pointing at the tree from the short distance.

"Yeah who told you guys to sprint so fast." I pointed out picking up Theodore who looked like he was going to pass out.

"Thank you (y/n). I thought I wasn't going to make it." Theodore sighs in relief and relaxes himself as I put him on my shoulder.

"You know our legs are 90% shorter than your so technically we are walking 384% faster than you." Simon said panting with every step he took followed by Alvin who did the same.

"Ugh. Nerd alert!" Miles groaned. I glared at him as he turned his head to look at me then flinched. "Ugh fine. Just to make it up to you (y/n). Come on up." He said and stopped in his tracks to let the two climbed up to his shoulder.

"Really?" Alvin said in disbelief.

"I'm changing my mind in 3-" Miles started and the munks immediately went on before he could finish. Miles then looked at me and said "Happy?"

I softened my look. "Only if they are." I did with a chuckle and he rolled his eyes playfully then we continued our walk.

"Now this is quite an efficient way to travel." Simon said getting comfortable on Miles' shoulder.

"Yeah. I could go miles on Miles!" Alvin said getting comfortable as well and chuckled with Simon to his joke.

"Oh that was so bad." Miles said chuckling as well.

"Then why are you laughing?" Alvin asked.

"Because that was so bad."

"I think that joke missed by miles." Theodore added causing the lot of us the laugh.

Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now