Chapter Three

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I wake up from the feeling of vibration and a warm wet substance on my face.
(A/n: XD how many of you were shocked at that)

I touched my face and ewed as I realized that I was drooling last night in my sleep. I grabbed a piece of tissue on the coffee table in front of the couch. I must've fell asleep on it last night. Once I wiped myself clean I grabbed my phone which was still vibrating and answered it without checking the contact name cuz I just woke up! Practically half awake right now.

(Y/n) : Hello?

Miles : Sup girl.

(Y/n) : Wha-who is this?

Miles : What? Did you forget me that easily? We literally just chatted last night.

(Y/n) : sorry was too tired to look at the contact name. But since you mentioned that, good morning Miles.

Miles : Haha good afternoon actually. Did you seriously just woke up?

(Y/n) : What? It's the afternoon? Damn...I was out long.

Miles : Yeah you were.

(Y/n) : So do you have any reason at all to why your calling me?

Miles : What I can't call you now? I guess-

(Y/n) : Nonono I didn't mean it like that I just-

Miles : *chuckles* dude I'm messing with you. And yea I just wanted to check on you and tell you that I'm going over to the Seville's later, like in a few minutes.

(Y/n) : oh okay then. Hold on , have you left yet?

Miles : No. Why?

(Y/n) : Bring some cookies.

Miles: Wha-

(Y/n) : Cookies!!!!!!!!

Miles : okayokay! Jeez calm yourself. We were going to stop by a store anyways.

(Y/n) : yaaay!

Miles : You cheer like a child.

(Y/n) : So? It's better than being old and boring!

Miles : *chuckles* true.

(Y/n) : yea. So I got to go and freshen up. See ya later with my cookies.

Miles : oooh get yourself freshen up for me huh?

(Y/n) : gross dude you disgust me.

Miles : You love it.

(Y/n) : Fudge you

Miles : Chocolate fudge.

(Y/n) : *laughs* yea those kind of cookies are good

Miles : *laughs* Well, see ya later.

(Y/n) : Byeee!

I hang up and smile while I stare at the ceiling. I suddenly feel fluttery. Like there are butterflies in my stomach or something. I dunno, but it's a nice feeling. Why do I feel like that though? Is it because of Miles? Is it because of the way he makes fun of me? Or because of the way he laughs? Or maybe- stop. What am I thinking about? I'm crazy that's all. I mean I can't, uh, I can't like him. Can I?
Nope nope nope nopitty nope.
Not today your not.

I shake the thought off and head upstairs to charge my phone then take a quick shower.

Once I've finished, I dried my hair and put on a (y/f/c) plaid with a black shirt and blue ripped jeans. I grabbed my phone, keys and guitar then head out of the door locking it as usual and head to the Seville's.

Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now