Chapter Eight

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"Gah! You guys seriously could've asked clearly first whose ring it was!!" I said angrily.

The boys and I were now on lockdown again in Dave's room, again.

"We have to do something to make it up to them." Miles suggested.

"And that is?" I asked coldly. TBH I was really pissed.
Miles flinched at the sound of my voice then just went to sit on the couch.

"Aha! I know-" Alvin started.

"No! No more ideas from you Alvin. The situation that we are in is already bad enough." I scolded.

"But please just hear me out, please." Alvin pleaded with chipmunk eyes. I groaned then gave in.


"Thank you. Anyway, what if we write them a song? Something to lift their spirits and show our apologies at the same time?" He said. I thought for a while as the boys stared at me waiting for my reply.

"You know...that might not be a bad idea." I said calmly.

"Great! Then let's get on with it! We only have an hour before the last act of the party. Let's make this worth it. (Y/n), will you do the honors?" Alvin said gesturing to the lot of us. I nodded then grinned.

"Okay. Miles, you get on your guitar and show me what you're good at. Munks, find anything in here that can make you guys costumes. As for me, I'll be on lyrics." I said then took out my phone, unlocking it and going to Notes.
"Let's do this."

--an hour later--

"Okay, you guys ready?" I asked the munks as the fixed their costumes.

"Yup." They said in sync.


"Yeah. I'm ready." Miles said strapping on his guitar.

"Good. I've texted Ashley about what we're going to do so she'll be introducing you guys." I said.

"Wait, what about you?" Miles asked. Then I realized, I didn't think of a part for myself.

"I-i got too caught up. I forgot about my self." I said looking down.

"Not so fast!!" Ashley said as I heard her heals tap against the floor quickly. I looked over to her and saw her pushing an electric piano towards us.

"Woah. Ashley, where'd you get this?" I asked surprised.

"No time for that. Now take it. I got to go and introduce you guys now. You can thank me later." She said with a smile then left for the stage with a mic in her hand.

"...and now, introducing...The Chipmunks!" Ashley announced and the crowd went wild.

"Okay guys. Let's do this." I said and they all nodded then we walked out to the stage as I pushed the wheeled electric piano towards the stage, setting it properly and locking it in place.

"Hey everybody! How you all doing tonight!" Alvin called out making the crowd cheer. But then his fell. "Okay so first of we'd like to apologize to someone for ruining they're proposal." They looked over to where Barry was and then apologized. "Alice, Barry is a great guy and don't let our mistake stop you from getting your happy ending." Alvin said then Barry kneeled on one knee and pulled out the ring, sling Alice to marry her which she said yes. "And lastly, before we sing we just have a quick thing to say." Alvin said with a sigh.

"Dave, we're really sorry." The three munks said in sync. I looked over at Dave's expression and he seemed surprised.

"So we wrote this song, for you." Theodore said. Alvin then turned and nodded at the both of us. I looked at Miles and signaled him to start first as I followed after.

Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now