Chapter Four

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||WARNING! : MENTION OF SELF HARM AHEAD. If you are 'easily' triggered by that then I advice you to not read. (not a lot tho but still) It's for your own safety! Be happy! Don't be sad! Don't self harm!!!!|| (author cares) <(•v•<)

"I can't believe I maxed out my Mom's credit card for just this one ticket!" Miles complained as we walked towards the security searches.

"Yeah and I had to use up all my cash for mine." I added.

"Don't worry. All we need to do now is to go through the security searches and we're on our way to Miami." Alvin said poking his head from Miles' back pack.

"I'm starting to think that I should've went with Theo in the pet cargo."Simon said poking his head out of Miles' pants. Yeah I know, the weirdest place to place a chipmunk.

"Guys shh. I'll go through first." I said and put my bag on the rail, the woman then told me to take the water bottle out and drink a sip, for safety purposes. Once she was convinced that it was okay, I put the bottle back and went through body search. I was clear and I stepped to the side waiting for Miles.

This isn't going to end well. I thought.

I watched as Miles put his bag on the rail and as it went in, I slightly peeked to the side to see what was seen on the screen. And what appeared shocked the woman. It was an exoskeleton of a chipmunk or more specifically Alvin. The woman then stopped Miles from getting his bag and told him to explain why there was a chipmunk in his bag.

"Well, for starters, it's not real. I can assure that and-" before Miles could continue the woman cut him off and said "Just open the bag." emotionlessly.

Miles raised his hands in defeat and opened the bag pulling out Alvin. He then spent a few minutes to convince the woman that Alvin was a toy, by smacking Alvin on the tables a few times, pushing his stomach so he could say something and making him bend in every way possible.

Once she was sort of convinced, next came the easy part for Miles, but hard part for Simon. Simon's glasses were made out of metal.

Miles stepped through and spread his arms out as the woman used the metal detector scanner to scan around him.

As the woman moved the scanner just slightly below Miles' knee, and I could see a slight bulge moving around in his pants (a/n: I can't take it, I'm dying!!! XD) I could tell that Simon was struggling to not get scanned.

As the scanner grew closer to Simon, suddenly, a liquid substance plus a small brown solid substance, fell right down Miles' pants.

I gasped and covered my mouth, refraining my self from laughing. The woman slowly looked up at Miles and stared at him in disbelief.

"That's not mine." He said awkwardly.

"Mhm. You just holding it for a friend?" She said in disbelief. Miles just shrugged and smiled awkwardly goofily.

She then turned back and said "You can go now." emotionlessly and walked back to her station to call maintenance.

Miles awkwardly limps towards a bench, sits down and shakes Simon out of his pants.
I went back to the rail to get his back and let Alvin out then joined him sitting in he bench.

"This is just great." He said sarcastically, trying so hard to clean the piss of his pants.

"Sorry, I got nervous." Simon apologized.

"Oh yea? Well your lucky I don't flush the both of you down the toilet!" Miles said angrily. Simon and Alvin were about to talk back, which we all know would lead to disaster, which we also know that it would be me who would have to pay the price for it. So I put a stop to it before they could explode, which would cause me to become a nuclear bomb.

Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now