Chapter Two

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I groaned and shut the alarm off. I get up and yawn. I did my morning routine and wore black skinny jeans, white T with (y/f/b) on it, (y/f/c) plaid shirt, and black converses.

I checked the time and saw that it was 9:54.
I grab my keys, phone and some cash then made my way to the Seville's.

I knock on their door and the door opened revealing Dave.

"Good morning (y/n)." He greeted and let me in.

"Good morning to you too Dave." I greet back.

"The boys are having breakfast in the dining room , you go on and join them. I'll be in my study. Call me when you guys are done then we can leave." He said with a smile and walked to his study room.

I walked to the dining room and saw the three Chipmunks eating waffles.
"Hey boys." I greeted sitting down on one of the chairs and used my fork and knife to get a waffle.

"Hey (nickname)!" The Chipmunks greeted.

--time skip--
at miniature golf//

"Wind 35 degrees out of the north west........shoulders up shoulders down.....tail in tail out...." Simon went on rambling.

"Oh c'mon! Just hit it already!" Alvin whined as he was getting annoyed.

"Yeah Si. By the time you hit that we've all hit 100 already." I say sarcastically.

"C'mon. This is what bonding is supposed to be like right?" Simon said trying to lighten up our mood.

"Yeah just four dudes and a duddette playing miniature golf." Alvin added with a sarcastic tone.

Dave glared at him but shook it off when his phone beeped.
"Actually that reminds me I invited a friend to join us."

"Ooooh is this 'friend' of yours the famous Samantha that you mention like every single day of your life since you've met her." I said and added a bit of a sassy tone.

"C'mon I don't mention her all the time. And yes it is her." Dave said. The four of us oohed. "I just thought that, since things are starting to get serious and we are all family here, that includes you (y/n) , maybe it was time for all of you to have a proper introduction." Dave explained. Me and Theodore awwed.

"You must really like this girl Dave." Simon said with a smile.

"Yeah. And I hope you guys do too." Dave's phone then rings. "That must be her. You guys wait here. I'll be back." Dave stood up then left.

"Aww that's real sweet. Wish I could mean someone as nice and caring. Samantha is really lucky." I said.

"Don't worry (y/n). I'm sure you'll find your match. Besides who wouldn't like you." Alvin said.

"Yeah. Your always fun to be around with." Simon added.

"And your caring too." Theodore added too.

"Aww thanks guys! That's so sweet." I bend down and gave them a hug then let them go.

"Speaking of sweets. Can you buy us some, please?" Theodore asked.

"Sure bud. Be right back." I stood up and walked to the vending machine and bought a pack of skittles.

I went back to the chipmunks and found them at the end of the course that we were in with some boy.

"Hey that was mine! Now you have it in for ya!" Simon said with anger in his tone.

"Yeah. You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us." Alvin and said.

Miles away with you ( Miles x Reader ) Plot of Alvin and the chipmunks:Road ChipWhere stories live. Discover now