I was In mi feelings....Part (8)

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---That moment when---

1) That moment when you happy you done washing the dishes, But you mom puts something else in the sink before u leave. You: yess, finished. Mom: *Puts some plates in the sink* You:-sucks teeth- Dang mama. Mom: Uhh, problem? You: No. -washes plates-

2) That moment when u see ants and you start hitting yourself because it feels like some crawling all over you.

3) that moment when your like the only black person at a quince party.......#Notfeelingitman.

3) when ur mom tell you to do something, and you suck your teeth but gets caught so u try playing off by beat boxing, lmao!!

4) that moment when you try to get your food out the microwave before you hear the "beep" Noise.

5) That moment when your start dancing to the beep noise coming from the microwave when ur foods done. I hope im not the only persone who does this, lls

6) am I the only one who checks their phone ass soon as they wake up?!

<>>Jealous Girl Be Like<>>

You can tell when we girls are jealous..cuzz we don't wanna hear nothing about you ex. You can even go to they crying,and we won't even care. Example: -Boyfriend comes runing to you crying-

Guy: Aww, baby you remver my ex girl, aww damn. She was in a car accident today baby, she in the hospital unconscious and every thing

Gurlfriend be like....

Girl: hold up wait aminute mother fucker hold up. didnt u just hear what u just told me. u said shes unconscious...she in critical conditin right. So why the fuck u gone go over there when she not gone know you there.... -passes around room- See that bitch thinks she slick -nodes head- but im noo fool... fuck on. Lmao


I hate when I try telling someone there breath stink in a nice was, but dem niggss still dont get the hint until I tell the strait up. Example: -you pull out some gum-

You: here man, have some. Freind: naww, im good. You: No bro just take it man. Friend: I said im good. -you get pissed off- You: Nigga yo breath stank, take this shit!!

Friend: -smells breath and takes gum-

...(Book Two) You know your black whenWhere stories live. Discover now