Chapter 2

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Salaam everyone,

I'm so in love with the characters that I couldn't stop myself from writing this chapter<3

Thank you for all the wonderful comments.

Loads of love.

Sameera returned to her seat blushing as all her cousins gathered around to tease her.

'What happened in the past ten minutes?' Simran enquired innocently, making sameera turn scarlet.

She had gone with Isaac to one of the empty dressing rooms present in the hall, and what had taken place there made her smile.

He had only kept staring at her without uttering a single word, and when she had finally raised her eyebrows, he had gently pushed her against the wall and kissed her breathless, it had taken a lot of precious minutes for their heartbeats to regain their rhythm, she had felt so shy that she had kept her thick black lashes lowered until he had raised her chin with a forefinger, when she had peered into his dark eyes they were filled with love and she resisted the urge to flung her arms around him, taking a deep breath to calm herself, she had reminded him that there were guests waiting for them and he had to let go of her.

He had laughed at her remark and taken her delicate fingers in his, slipping a thin golden ring with small sparkling diamonds adorning the centre.

She had gasped at the sudden surprise and mumbled a, 'Thank you.'

'I know it isn't as huge as your family would buy for you, but that is all I could afford.' He said softly.

'Oh Isaac,' She had started crying and hugged him in return. 'It is beautiful and so very precious to me. It isn't the cost that matters, it's the love and affection attached to it. I'm so happy that we are married. I thank Allah for granting me such wonderful soulmate.'

'You are so beautiful, so lovely, that I'm unable to express myself clearly. I just want to keep staring at you.'

'What about the guests?'

'I don't care.'

She had laughed at his eagerness and stretched to kiss him lightly on his cheeks, he was a foot taller then her even though she was wearing heels.

His eyes bulged momentarily and he kept a hand on his chest, 'Please do it again.'

She hit him lightly on his arm, shoving him aside, still smiling as she left the room.

But she had heard him say. 'You can escape now, but we have all the night to ourselves.'


Izaan was speaking with one of the business advocates, when he felt that he was being watched.

He turned around to find sameera's friend gaping at him and it made him chuckle.

He was so used to getting female attention that it did not bother him anymore, but there was something different about this girl.

She was wearing an simple white gown, which looked as old as time itself, her face wasn't covered with any makeup but still she possessed the most mesmerizing face he had ever seen. Somehow she appeared innocent and vulnerable.

Her eyes looked sad and lifeless, but were still intriguing.

She had luminous hazel eyes with thick lashes curling around them, giving her an alluring appearance. Her nose was thin and firm with lips which appeared pink and generous, to add to the beauty, her ivory skin appeared as smooth as satin and gleamed for the soft lights.

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