Chapter 6

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Dedicated to sarah20996

'I'm so glad that you agreed,' Hala exclaimed.

Zera smiled fondly.

'If you don't mind could you sort out Izaan's office and just check the appointments for the day, so that he gets busy in work and does not spend his time dwelling too much in the past.'

Izaan had been very reluctant to eat or speak with anyone. He couldn't get himself to look at his mom or Sameera in the eye. For some unknown reason he had chosen to take all the blame of thufail's murder on himself.

Even though Hala had been devastated, she was still worried for Izaan and that was the reason she had hired Zera.

Their house needed a lot of positive energy and the girl had an air of cheerfulness surrounding her. Maybe her presence in the office could lessen Izaan's unbearable guilt and he would be able to think through different perspective.

'I'll do that. Can I request you something?' Zera questioned uneasily.

'Ofcourse. What is it?'

'The place were I had applied, have their work timings from noon to evening. Is there a possibility of me working at both the places?'

'Oh dear. It is perfectly fine.'

'Thank you so much.' Zera stated, as she enveloped Hala in a warm motherly embrace.


Detective Hamilton parked his car in the wraparound drive that encircled a small stone fountain, which on this cold evening, was not operating.

The landscaping was as lush and as carefully planned as the house.

He slid out of his seat, making sure that he had all the notes of his present case with him.

As he walked up to the front door, he hoped that all his time driving wouldn't be a waste.

As he cleared the top step, a voice spoke to him from the intercom.

'Can I help you?' It was the man's voice, big, solid, and, Hamilton thought, slightly threatening to an outsider.

'Dilshad, open the door.'

The door didn't budge, and the tone of the voice made it clear that unless Hamilton had more information to impart, this status was not going to change.

He looked around, suddenly conscious that he was being observed. Sure enough, above his head, recessed within the back of one of the volumes, was a vedio camera.

He waved, 'For god sake, dilshad. Please open the damn door. I need some help.'

'I'm sorry, that's not possible.'

'Well, I'd say its possible since the present case is of Aahil's cousin and as you have chosen to work as a spy, you would have a great deal of information than the rest of us.'

The next sound Hamilton heard was the front door being unbolted and thrown open.

The man facing him matched the six foot one of Hamilton's height, but was far broader across the shoulders and chest. Even though Hamilton possessed a very strong, athletic body himself, he wouldn't want to take this guy on. Dilshad looked strong enough to break Hamilton's back with ease. No doubt he had worked as an bodyguard of an billionaire for all those years. Shame that they had let him go for all the misunderstandings.

Nevertheless, he had proven to be of great help to the country. He had great sense of understanding criminal psychology and nothing ever missed his hawks gaze.

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