Chapter 3

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Salaam readers,

I want to thank all those who sent me wonderful messages regarding this story, it has motivated me so very much.

Loads of love <3

He made his way through the crowd at a dizzying pace.

Thufail knew that he was being watched, he could feel it.

The growling of the thunder got louder but thufail was oblivious to the noise, from time to time a streak of lightning shattered the raindrops into dazzling diamond water falls. He had found all the missing pieces and it made him vibrantly cheerful, the only thing that remained was for the world to know about the monsters who played the role of innocent until now.

His life was in great threat and he did not wish to put the life of thousands of guests present in his sisters wedding in jeopardy, therefore, he had to get away quickly.

He could have gone to Izaan for help, but that would mean that he would put his brothers life at risk too.

Thufail shook his head and bit his lips hard, tasting blood. He felt the beads of perspiration on his forehead and he clumsily wiped it away.

It would be a lie if he would say that he wasn't scared, as he was terribly frightened of the outcome, but he had to deliver the truth to common people. It was his job to do so and he owed them their right to have knowledge about the evil things going around them, which would eventually cause great havoc.

As he stepped outside the venue, he noticed that the wind had begun to whip the rain into frenzied maelstrom. He embraced the leather jacket close to himself, slipping the hood on his head.

Shielding his wrist with his sleeve, he looked intently at his watch. It had turned eleven, he had to meet them and confide his findings.

He turned around for the a brief second and watched the smiling faces of his family, he hoped that he would have the chance of sharing sweet moments with them in future.

There was only person other than him, who knew about the deadly secret he had stumbled upon and he prayed fervently to Almighty to save that person's life.

If it was in his power then he wouldn't have ever passed the information to someone so innocent, as it would lead the person to great trouble. But unfortunately, he did not possess any other choice, if they were about to kill him then he didn't wish to die with the secret buried inside him. The world had to know.

As he took brisk steps towards his secret destination, the climate turned worse. The winds howled and the rain turned insane but nothing was going to stop him now.

It was going to be a long night, he thought, as he slipped inside his car and the keys juggled in the ignition.

A minute later the car came back to life and the loud purr was lost in the harshness of the wind.


Sameera stirred in her sleep, and kept tossing and turning to ward off the stress she was in, but her nightmare got severe and she jerked upright to sitting position, clutching her night gown and then wiping the sweat that trickled down her face.


She hit him lightly on his arms, shaking him, trying to wake him from his deep slumber.

He mumbled something but did not stirr, after one more try she threw away the soft duvet and slipped down from the bed, making her way towards the huge window that swayed for the harsh winds. The raindrops splashed on the window with increasing intensity, allowing a few drops to enter the house, which got absorbed by the carpet that stood below. She gazed at the dark sky and wondered about the secrets that are woven in the universe while the sun doesn't shine.

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