Accidentally In Love

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"Delilah, get up!" I groaned. Today was the first day of school. The day that I had been avoiding all summer.  Why? It's because I'm a freshman in high school. No one likes the newbies. Honestly I wasn't looking forward to high school at all. I mean yeah, middle school was tough, but from what I heard high school is full of judgmental assholes.

"I'm up!" I called back to my mom. She's always gotten me up. Ever since my elementary school years.

I pulled the warm blanket off of me, instantly regretting it. The cold had hit me as soon as it was off. It was worse considering I was currently in yoga shorts and a tank top. My bare feet hit the floor and carried me to the bathroom. I winced at the sight in the mirror, running my fingers through my hair in hopes of taming it.

I splashed some cold water on my face to help me wake up. Running out of the bathroom, I plugged in my straightener for it to get hot while I got dressed. First day means I have to wear whatever best piece of clothing I own. I threw on a pair of white pre-ripped skinny jeans, an aqua tank top, and a grey cardigan to go over.

I started on my hair; I hated it when it was curly so every day I spent about thirty minutes on my hair to make it straight.

As soon as I got done with my hair, it was off to makeup. Nothing major, just some eyeliner, and mascara. I kept it semi natural. Least I didn't cake it on like most girls.

I pulled on my grey toms before grabbing my bag and running out the door to the bus stop. Ew. The bus. I've been riding the bus ever since the seventh grade and I absolutely hate it. The only perk to riding the bus was that I got to sit with my best friends.

"Hey, Delilah!" Grant leaned in for a hug. 

"Hey man." I squeezed him gently because he had recently been sick.

"Del!" Laney called.

"Hey nigs." She hugged me slightly because she was never really the hugging type.

"DELILAH I MISSED YOU SO FREAKING MUCH OH MY GOSH!" I was pulled in for a bone crushing hug by Carley.

"Haha, Hey Carls. Missed you too." I grinned back.

"Hey shawty." Aaron always called me that because I was pretty short. I was only 5'4", so yes I was short.

"Hey hoe." I chuckled because he honestly was my rock. We'd grown up together and I came to him first. 

"You guys ready for high school?" I had a hint of anger in my voice because I hated the thought of growing up. Being in  high school meant I was growing up. We all met in the sixth grade, so we had all gone through middle school together. 

"No." They all replied in unison. All of them felt the same. Crazy youngster was basically our motto.

I turned around, and soon enough the bus was here. I sat with the boys because I can't stand the bickering from the girls up front.  So, I retreated to my normal spot at the back of the bus, but I'd noticed an unfamiliar face that was at our stop just as soon as the bus came. I had never seen him before and I've been riding this bus since sixth grade. Who was this guy?

He sat down two seats up from me, but before he sat down I could've sworn I saw him glimpse at me.


A/N :Hey! So I hope you guys are enjoying this fan fic so far, it gets better, trust me. 

Matthew geeks me because he's honestly hilarious. Which is why I chose to write this story about him, it's like his polar opposite.

Stay beautiful x

- Sam 

Accidentally In Love (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now