My Godfather Phil Lester.

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Little Estella Marie Armstrong played with her toys without a care in the world. Her babysitter is busy reading a magazine and occasionally looks up at little Ella. Little did they know that the young girls life is about to change drastically. There's a soft knock on the door which causes Ella and her babysitter, Jess, to look up. Jess put her magazine down and open the door to see two uniformed officers.

"Umm, can I help you?" Jess asked cautiously.

"Is this the Armstrong residence?" One of the officers asked.

"Yes, but Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong aren't here." The teenager smiled.

"I'm sorry to inform you that the Armstrong's have been in a car accident and have passed away."

Jess' jaw dropped and she looked at Ella.

"What about Ella?" She whispered.

"We've come to collect her and take her to Child Protective Services."

"Should I come? She doesn't like strangers." The teenager mumbles.

"If you think that's best, ma'am. We have to get going." The other officer sighed. Jess nodded and picked up the little girl.

"Okay El, we're gonna go for a ride." Jess said with a forced smile.

Jess packed some things up and got into the back of the police car. The ride is silent and long. Jess lost track of time while she thought about what was going to happen the the young girl that has fallen asleep next to her. She felt like her little sister, for she has lived next door to the Armstrong's for a few years, but they were close.

"We're here." One of the officers said. Jess carefully picks up Ella and walked into the building.

"Hello, I'm Jackie Adams. I'm going to be Estella's representative. May we ask you some questions?"

"Umm, sure. Okay." Jess says in a daze.

"Do you know who is in charge of Estella?"

"Her parents are in charge." Jess says immediately.

"Does Ella have a godparent?"

"You'd have to check the Armstrong's will."

"Okay, thank you. I'll take Ella now. Would you like us to call your parents to pick you up?"

"That's all you have to ask?"

"That's all. I'm sorry for your lost." Jackie smiles apologetically and walks away.

Ella mumbles something incoherent, but you could tell she was looking for her parents. 

"Poor child." Jackie sighs as she put the child into a crib and closes the door.

"Jackie! Jackie, we've found the will. It says a man named Philip Lester is Estella Armstrong's godfather."

"Get me his number." Jackie demands as she snatches the piece of paper with a number scribbled on it. She quickly punched the number in and waits anxiously for the stranger to answer.

"Hello?" A British accent answers.

"Is this Philip Lester?" Jackie asks.

"No, but I can get him. Phil!" Jackie heard him call.

"Hello?" Another British accent asked.

"Hello Mr. Lester. My names is Jackie Adams and I work for Child Protective Services. I'm sorry to inform you that Jemma and Alexander Armstrong have passed away tonight."

"Oh, my god." He whispers. He hasn't seen Jemma and Alex in about year.

"Don't they have a daughter? Is she alright?" He thought.

"What happened to their daughter," He thinks about her name, "Ella!"

"Ella is here with us, but she was in the custody of a minor."

"Well, thank you for calling me." He sighs.

"Wait, Mr. Lester. The Armstrong's have named you Ella's godfather."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"You're legally Ella's guardian." Mrs. Adams says.

"I can't take care of a baby! I'm only 24!"

"Then we will set Ella up in a foster home." Mrs. Adams sighs, obviously upset about this. Phil tries to think of a solution. He's heard foster homes are awful. Not a single lion plushy anywhere.

"I'll take care of her." He sighs.

"Are you sure Mr. Lester?"

"Yes." He says more certainly this time.

"Well, you're going to need to pick her up. Where are you Mr. Lester?"

"London, England. Where is Ella?"

"New York, New York."

"So how should I come her?"

"You should fly out as soon as possible Mr. Lester."

"I'll catch the next flight out." He says and hangs up.

"Where are you going Phil?" Dan question.

"To pick up my godchild in New York." He says in a monotone voice.

"I'm sorry, I think I just had schizophrenic episode. What?!" Dan yells.

"My friends Alex and Jemma died today and the made me their daughter's godfather."

"How old is she?"

"Their daughter is one I believe."

"So, a one year old from god knows where is going to live with us here?" Dan says in an unbelievably, and almost scary, loud voice.

"Well, either I take care of her Dan or she'll be put into foster care!" Phil counters.

"What about her aunts or uncles? Grandparents? Neighbors without criminal records?!" Dan yells.

"I think we can manage a one year old Dan." Phil sighs as he shoves some clothes into a bag.

"So, you're just going to pack up and go to New York?"


"Can I come?"

"You want to come now?"

"Well, I might as well meet the child that is going to live here."

"You're acting like a women Dan."

"Shut up," He sighs as he puts some clothes into a bag, "So, what now."

"We go to the airport?"

"I guess." Dan shrugs and they leave to go to America.

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