Destroyed or recreated

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*Andy looks at the pills.

Andy just do it. She found someone who makes her happy. I just need to put these pills in my mouth lay down and wait for it to happen....

What did I do Miriam. I thought you loved the way I did things and the way things where at times.

I risked my life to get the ones you love where you hopping I died while over there?

Maybe Miriam it's that you never really liked me maybe I just need to stop thinking and do it already.

Here I am on this hill looking over the  ocean I remeber when I took you here when we were kids and you loved it and we hugged.

*Andy grips the pills

Why can't I just do it already she doesn't love me....

I need to put these pills in my mouth and just die, Miriam is happy and I wanted to make her happy now she's off dancing away with another man. The only difference is this other man who makes her smile and laugh.

Why am I crying I deserve this all I did was hurt Miriam.

*Andy cups his hand and is about to put the pills in his mouth

Good bye Miriam be happy and try to remeber me

(?)  STOPPPPPPPPPP *As this person hugs him from behind.

*Andy has the pills in his mouth as he turns around


(Andy) "Miriam I see you with the other guy stop acting like you love me."


(Andy) *As he spits the pills into the ocean "I'm sorry I saw you happy and you where never happy with me."

(Miriam) "If I could show you how many times you made me happy I would be screa....."

(Andy) "Miriam?"

(Miriam) "It's happening now take me."

(Andy) "the baby?"

(Miriam) "yes yes, my water broke hurry hurry "

*Andy picks up Miriam and runs to her car and they drive to the hospital 5 minutes away

*Andy is given doctor clothes and he and Miriam are in the operating room for a couple of hours

(Andy) "Baby you push you push now you hear pushhhh."


*Crying as Andy helps lift up the little baby and the doctors cut off the cord

(Andy) "Miriam looks like jamie the little one wanted to come first haha.... we are a family now."

(Miriam) "Oh let me see her honey please"

*Andy and Miriam kiss and they talk to their baby as the doctor leaves and the nurse cleans the baby

(Miriam) "Your going to get a scolding when we get home."

"But I love you because your different Andy please don't leave me ever."

(Andy) *He grabs Miriams hand and kisses it "I won't my sweet love I won't.  I will always love you Miriam no matter what."

*It's midnight Miriam decided to stay in the hospital with Andy and the baby for a little longer

(Miriam) "Where's daddy. Hmmm where's dadda."

*Andy smiles in the corner of the room

(Andy) "Papas here. Hehe here I am. Here I am."

(Miriam) "Andy I can't belive you where about to do what you where about to do."

(Andy) "Haha, well when you put it that way. I guess I was going to to what I was going to do wasn't I?"

(Miriam) "Oh Andy my little handy Andy, you couldn't be any more retarded could you. You know what I mean."

(Andy) "Yes I know dear. You looked happy without me. You smiled, you danced, you laughed, and plus honey you where holding his hand."

(Miriam) "I was doing all that but you know what? I was thinking of you my retarded Andy who I love so freaking much. Also I held his hand because while you where at war the lady's here got raped and sexually assulted. I had to call my cousin over so I could fool the other men into thinking my man didn't go to to war."

*The baby crys

(Andy) "It's ok jamie it's ok, mama and daddy are here to take care of you and love you."

(Miriam) "Hey Andy..."

(Andy) "Yes honey bun?"

(Miriam) "I... love you."

(Andy) "It's love you too Miriam. Why are you crying my love?"

(Miriam) "I almost lost you, what if I loose you. I can only love you Andy I can't just love someone else."

*Andy kneels and hold her hand and kisses it

(Andy) "Than I promise you won't ever ever loose me. I'll always be here on earth to see you smile and laugh and to love you and to have kiss with you and my sexy little angel darling.... You'll experience sex again whenever we want after you heal from having this amazing little angel... Jamie."

(Miriam) "I always liked your sweet talk but you have to promise to start doing what you say to me you know. You said you were coming with Raul and carlos."

(Andy) "aha but at last my love I did... haha just that this time there was a catch and the Catch was that I did come back but in a different plane you see my dear."

(Miriam) *She kisses Andy's lips "I lobe you."

(Andy) "Don't be making fun of me now."

(Miriam) "How come you can make fun of me but I can't dear"

*Miriam sticks out her tongue

(Andy) "I just can't believe what I had to go through to finally sit down without having to worry anymore."

(Miriam) "I worried for you every single day..."

(Andy) "And I kissed the photo of you"

(Miriam) "Mr. Fernandez, and Mrs. Fernandez."

(Andy) "Well it's been a while that you've said that why say it out of nowhere."

(Miriam) "Well because in this loving's good to remeber who you love and why."

*Andy kiss one more time and hold their baby together as they hug

Thank you for your time. I have been going through many tough situations in my life. I don't know if anyone will be able to see this chapter. I have become a little suicidal due to the things that have recently happened in my life. Now Miriam is a real girl as I said in my past story. I know I'm not the best writer in the world but I hope with this app I will meet many friends who will help me and maybe I to thy.

For whatever reason this chapter is uploaded thank you for YOUR time and um.

I love you Miriam.

Loving In warWhere stories live. Discover now