Broken to the truth

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*the men gave Andy some pain pills

(Medic) "soldier what is your name." (Andy) "...." (2nd medic) "He is tired let the man rest it is a miracle he survived 5 shots, how though?" (Medic) "Don't you believe in god?" (2nd medic) "yes." (Medic) "Amen than. This man had a picture of a women in his heart, I would have put it in my pocket but he tied it to wear his heart is." (2nd medic) "who you think it is?" (Medic) "his wife for sure, he wrote something and I dare not read it again, I respect this man's decision now."

*The medic puts the letter in a envelope next to Andy's things

(2nd medic) "what did it say?" (Medic) "something personal a man must confess to his wife who loves dearly but he misspelled love." (2nd medic) "I'm not following you sir?" (Medic) "needless to say this man is in a coma and he might not go on for much." (2nd medic) "I'm sorry, but is he going to die soon?"

*The first medic slaps the second medic

(Medic) "How dare you. This man risked his life and who knows for what, might have been for himself or for people. Looks more like people because it looks like he was crying before he was shot, I mean his whole body is full of mud but there's no trail of dirt where tears would normally go. Well ok the war is over now time to explain or try to grab people who know this man... well let's pray we do he might loose his memory soon...."


(Carlos) "....." (Raul) "You... you... you think he's waiting for us at the landing zone." (Carlos) "Ya buddy I hope so." (Raul) "Hey how come you got three cards and I only got two cards.?" (Carlos) "Andy wrote a third for instructions on what to do to save you and reasons why he left Miriam mad the day he boarded to go to war..." (Rual) "What... what did he say?" (Carlos) "since he is dea... not here right now I'll tell you. He said he was sorry for the pain and trouble he caused you and me to help Miriam and Andy go out. He said he was sorry if he hurt Miriam emotionally that she was the first girlfriend he ever had and he wasn't going to let anyrhing come between there way because he saw and experienced love for the first time, though he put lobe, I don't know why but from our point of veiw I can safely say Miriam was happy more than unhappy,  I saw her do things I never imagine like talk back to mom, she really became a loud women right." (Raul) "that's big sister for us.... Miriam how will she take that Andy is dea..."

*Carlos cuts in

(Carlos) "That he stayed behind to catch the second plane back. Look we can't say what happened because we don't know what really did happen ok but for now let's just hope he really is catching second plane back home."

(Raul) "Hey um since Miram is pregnant and don't lie I can tell I mean I'm young but I know this kind of stuff so like when is she you know..Miriam do?"

(Carlos) "... well according to Andy she is due... um.... 3 to 4 months from now why." (Raul) "The next plane is tomorrow right?" (Carlos) "actually I think the second plane is coming come in 3 weeks why?" (Rual) "Well what's our excuse for Andy not coming on the first plane ya we are going to tell his wife, you know our sister why he isn't on the first one?" (Carlos) "Miriam knows Andy we will just say he stayed behind for the men who really were injured and that he was promoted to like commander and he needed to say a speech for the people back over that are still in the medic field." (Raul) "Hey did Andy keep the pills... you know the ones that well.."

*Carlos cuts him off

(Carlos) ".... ya he got some more after saving a medic that died." (Rual) "Hey why don't we talk about the good ya." (Carlos) "Ya, so Rual when Miriam asks why he isn't here just remeber he was promoted and needed to give a speech and to receive a Medal." (Rual) "ya... but what if he's dead." (Carlos) "RUAL, look, I'm thinking it too but don't say it who knows where he is."

* Andy

Ohhhhhhhh shit oh no nono where am I  (Andy) "he-llloo" (First medic) "How are you awake let alone talking, your condition. Your supposed to be in a comma." (Andy) "Not until I save Raul and Carlos." (First medic) "WRITE THOSE TWO NAMES DOWN. CARLOS AND RAUL. Excuse me who are these two people but please rest your body is injured." (Andy) "Hell no, those two are my wife's brothers I deployed to get them back to safety which they should be if I'm right on a plane right now."

*Andy stands up

"Listen I'm hurt but I can stand the bullets hit me and I am bleeding but It did not go all the way through." (First medic) "I'm sorry to say but your not leaving for another three weeks sir." (Andy) "Why the hell not?" (First medic) "next plane leaves in three weeks so please let us take care of... Wait I'm sorry I read your letter to your wife sir."

*Andy coughs and some blood comes out

(Andy) "Well seems my boys or my wife just thought of me, but um yes well I wish to have back my leader it's personal and it's for my wife but fine I'll stay but please do your best so I can start least walk to hug my wife for the next plane..." (second medic) "You can count on us best in the country." (Andy) "hurah"

*Carlos and Raul land after a day

(Carlos) "Wake up Rual Miriam is waiting with the other family's to greet the people get up." (Raul) "I'm up I'm up."

*They walk out and someone is running and hugs them both

(Miriam) "OMG ANDY DID IT FUCKING CARLOS I HATE YOU. I LOVE DON'T EVER LEAVE US AGAIN, YOU TO RAUL WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GO YOU DIDN'T NEED TO GO YOUR TO YOUNG." (Raul) "Good to see you sis." (Carlos) "Come one Miriam I was helping in the war I had tooooo." (Miriam) "Why is Andy taking so long in the plane... ANDY HURRY UP I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU, hehe." (Carlos) "....Miriam um."

*Miriam gers a little teary seeing Raul and Carlos sad

(Miriam) "Andy.... Andy Andy...... no no no... ANDYYYYYY you said you would come home with them nonononononononono ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....

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