Love tested

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(Andy) "Ok so can we walk out of here and can I go home sir?" (Medic) "Oh um here's the thing..."



(Medic) "All the soldiers need to make sure they are still sane enough to be let go back home." (Andy) "Wait you never told me that but I'm good right." (Medic) "Yes but they lie about heading home to keep the men here to recover than when the news that the war has "TRULY" ended than they will let the men go." (Andy) "You promised me that I can get here good and that there was a catch but what kind of catch is this." (Medic) "Ok look just go get yourself checked and I'll see what I can do for you."

*Andy goes to get himself checked

(Andy) "Hello there I'm here to um you know get myslef checked if I'm good to go." (Lady medic) "Right, so what your going to want to do for me is take of your shirts and your pants." (Andy) "Im sorry I'm happily married." (Lady medic) "Haha, no sir we need to check for wounds that opened up or burns you have."

*Andy takes of his clothes

(Andy) "Sorry for that." (Lady medic) "Don't worry your not the first but at least you weren't like the last guy who took off ALLLLLLL his clothes when I said that." (Andy) "Haha what did you do after?" (Lady medic) "I put he was ready to go home because most mean are scared and he was happy and ready for sex."

(Medic lady) "Ok your good sir now put on your clothes and one more test." (Andy) "Yes mam." (Lady medic) "Ok please if you will tell me how you feel about this."

*Something slammed sounding like a bomb

(Andy) "did you hear that I think someone dropped equipment." (Lady medic) "Ok so your not traumatized that's good." (Andy) "Oh was that the test already, well at least I know I passed." (Lady medic) "Alright well that was the last one. You can get ready and head out with the rest of the waiting men if you will." (Andy) "Will do mam." (Lady medic) "There's one more test but you pass because you seem alright." (Andy) "Thank you."

*Andy changes into civilian clothes and goes out with a crowd of men shooting

Ok good now to see my love Miriam oh my I can't come entry handed I need flowers and chocolates and a ring and a necklace.


"All men we are sorry to inform you will be kept here for about a month to make sure the war is truly over."

*A riot begins

(Andy) "Wait but my wife is do in about a week or two."

*The riot starts yelling and Andy tries to go to the front

(Andy) "Um why do we have to wait."

(Intercom) "we want to make sure that non of you are spys and that the war is really over and we will keep you for about a month."


(Intercome) "These are not my orders these are the orders directly from the commander."

*The riot gets even louder

(First medic) "Mam medics who where in tents and infantry medics they get to go because they have to get equipment to save the men who are really hurt right."

(Intercome) "Please wait...... Only medics who where in tents are allowed to go and get equipment or leave.... thank you for YOUR services."

(Andy) "Wait medic I wasn't a medic in the tent I was Frontline infantry."

(Medic) "Look here..."

*The first medic hands Andy his dog tags, medic badge, and his medic I'd with coat.

(Andy) "Medic what the hell."

(Medic) "I don't exist remeber. Do me a favour go find your wife she is out there waiting for you and you have that look on your face of a innocent man and hey to really proof your a medic you now have instead of your four or three pills you now have 10."

(Andy) "Thank you so much."

*Andy goes to the front

(Andy) "ID number 11515."

(Intercome) "access granted sir, please step into the directed area where soldiers will escorts you out and I don't know why you took so long please hurry sir to be released home or ask to redeploy."

Who in the fuck would ever want to go back to that place....medic your everything right now to me may God have mercy on you.

*Soldiers run at Andy hold him and escorts him out

(Soldiers) "Glad to have you back you may return home as you please or return."

(Andy) "I'd Ike to go home."

(Soldiers) "Sorry for the wait you may go now sir."

*they salute

Ok time to get my baby some flowers and chocolates and lots of her favorite things.

*Andy has flowers and is getting chocolate....

(Andy) "Hi do you have any um chocolates with some red velvet cake please."

Sure seems like a good day to get my lovely beau.....

*Andy sees Miriam walking with another guy as she smiles and the guy has his hand on her belly and holding her hand.

Well she's happy without me...

(Andy) "Sorry hey can you cancel the order I forgot that today isn't the day sorry."

(Lady) "No problem sir thank you for you service."

(Andy) " Yes well thank you as well and again sorry."

*Andy walks a hour and enters a bar

(Andy) "Hey man a shot of um... anything honestly."

(Bartender) "Soldiers coming back get free drinks until they throw up once stop or for the day."

(Andy) "I'll just have a shot of the best stuff you got."

(Bartender) "Well let's see, you'll be the first to try out a imported drink called "Don Julio" and I hear this is really good for getting you through tough times."

*Andy takes only two shots and leaves and is still silver

Miriam was smiling did she ever smile with me? Was I abusive what's so ever. Did Miriam love me? I know what to do... I love to see her smile and if she's happy with him than that's that I know where to go to never be a problem for her ever again...

*Andy walks a couple of miles to the top of the hill that has a view of the entire city and below the cliffs the ocean with rocks

*Andy sits down with the pills in hand...

Loving In warWhere stories live. Discover now