Raava Review

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Author: Lady-Senpai

Genre: Fantasy

Description: ''Did it ever occur to you that maybe the people you're trying to protect, see you as nothing more than a monster?"

Raava was chosen by God as the protector and savior of his people on Earth. This was changed when she made a deal with the devil and caused mass destruction on Earth, for the sake of her sister Talia. As punishment from God, she was crystallized and forced to relive that day for a century. Then, she woke up. She was placed back on earth and was made their savior once again, but why? Father senses something evil approaching, and only the saviors of earth can defeat the darkness that lurks between Earth and the Underworld.

We Love Books Review

Rate out of ten: 6.9

What we thought of your book: Ok, at the start of your book I feel like your chapters are rush, then it starts getting better as you go. Recommend going back through it and read it yourself, maybe you might think the same thing. Also, you seem to switch scenes a lot in your story, making it confusing at times. I recommend either putting more of a space between the paragraph or transition it to read smoother. The last thing I recommend is adding more descriptions to your story. Like your characters surrounding or what they/things look like, taste, and smell.

I do like the humor from Thomas that adds to the story. I will also add that your prologue chapter was very well written. You have a good story here and when you get everything edited your story is going to be amazing. Please keep writing!

Rate out of 100%: 70%

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