Chapter 42

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I woke up on the 24th by Niall banging on my door at 7.30, I groaned to myself and tried to muffle the sound by putting a pillow over my head. It worked for a while, until the pillow was dragged away by Niall.

Stella: I’m sleeping!
Niall: We’ve got a problem.
Stella: Yes, so leave my room!
Niall: Stella I’m serious, I need your help!
Stella: I thought I was the needy one?
Niall: Forget I said that?
Stella: whatever, what do you want?
Niall: You know how I said that I would go to Ireland and celebrate Christmas?
Stella: Yes…?
Niall: Well..

He took his phone up and started a voice message.

“Hello son, how are you baby? There was an accident in the house so we can’t have Christmas there. But we figured out a second option, we’re coming to you! It’s going to be so fun; we’ve never been there before! Ahh, I miss you Niall, I’ll see you around 9pm on the 24th. I love you.. oh and it’s me, mum! Bye bye!”

Niall looked at me, to the phone and then back at me again. I had to think about this for a second before I shook my head.

Stella: No, nope!
Niall: Come on!
Stella: No, we’re not celebrating Christmas in my flat with your family!
Niall: Don’t be such a cunt, it’s just Christmas!
Stella: Niall take a look around this place, there’s no decorations, no tree, nothing Christmassy at all!

He sighed and started pacing back and forth on my floor.

Niall: She’s going to get so disappointed… She has probably already made the Christmas candy and everything… COCO!

He called for the dog and she came running on her tiny legs. He bent down and picked her up and looked over at me.

Niall: Pleeeeeeease Miss Molins, can we celebrate Christmas?

I shook my head and Niall took Coco’s paws and put them so it looked like she was praying.

Niall: Please!

He said with a girly voice and I couldn’t help but laugh as he pouted his lips.

Stella: It’s unfair of you to use the dog.
Niall: Is that a yes…?
Stella: If you can get decorations and a tree until your mum comes, then it’s a yes.

He put Coco down and basically jumped down in the bed and hugged me. I had never seen him like this before, this was a different kind of exciting.

Niall: Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll go get it straight away; can I borrow your car?
Stella: You don’t have a license.
Niall: Haven’t stopped me before.
Stella: I swear to god, if the police catch you, I will cut off your balls!
Niall: The scary thing is that you probably would.. I’ll make sure to not get caught, thank you again!

He left my room and I looked down at Coco, who was just sitting on the floor, looking as confused as me.

Stella: Yeah I know, he’s weird.

She barked and I patted the side of my bed, which made her jump up and lie down next to me.

When Niall hadn’t gotten back at 10, I decided that I had to take a shower and get dressed. I dressed in a pair of tights that was darker from the feet and up to the knees, a black skirt with a lace ending and a white jumper. After a while of not doing anything, I laid down in the couch and Coco came and laid down with me.

I must have fallen asleep because all of the sudden, I hear someone taking a picture and I open my eyes slowly, just to see Niall standing hovering above me. I yawned and looked up at him.

Stella: What time is it?
Niall: Around 4.
Stella: Did you find any decorations?
Niall: Yeah, it’s down in the car.
Stella: Why didn’t you text me to come down and help you carry it up?
Niall: I did.

I yawned again and sat up; Coco woke up and jumped down on the floor. I grabbed my phone from next to me and saw that I had 10 messages, all from Niall.

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