Chapter 58

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Niall's POV.

I haven't talked to Stella for 4 days. It's not that I haven't tried, because I have. I've been calling her since my birthday but she refuses to pick up. She texted me and said that she would be staying at a friend's place for a couple of days though, but that's it. When I asked which friend, she didn't answer. I knew I had fucked up but... no there's no but in this, I fucked up, period. And I had to do something big to make her talk to me and the biggest I could think of right now was to crash Keli's wedding.

The wedding was in 3 days and I told myself that if Stella hadn't come home until then, I would go to the wedding. A wedding I really didn't want to go to because 1, it was Keli's wedding and 2, I hate weddings. It's all so fake and rehearsed, it drives me nuts.

2 days later, I still hadn't heard from her. I tried calling and texting but now she had turned her phone off and I got straight to voicemail. I decided to go out and buy a suit and who better to ask for help than Tin? They guys wardrobe was filled with suits.

I got dressed in my jeans and a white t-shirt, then I walked next door and knocked.

As Tin opened, his eyes widened and he looked at me like I was some dangerous animal.

Niall: Hey, can I come in?

Tin: Eh... I haven't cleaned so i rather not have company.

Niall: Okay, weirdo. You know about suits, yeah?

Tin: Sure?

Niall: Good, I need one so grab your purse or whatever and join me.

He nodded and closed the door in my face. 5 seconds later, it opened again and he stepped out.

Niall: Do you have company in there already?

I said and winked, he laughed nervously and I was starting to think that he did have company. Good lad.

Tin drove to a suit store about 20 minutes away from home. As we got inside, the guy behind the counter greeted Tin with a hug and then he looked at me and said my exact measurements. I nodded and Tin showed me to a changing room.

Niall: Did you tell him my measurements?

Tin: No.

Niall: So he just knew?

Tin: Yup, that's his talent.

Niall: Cool...

We waited a couple of minutes before the man, who I learned was named Aleje, came back and handed me 3 different suits. One bright blue, one black and one white.

Niall: I'm going to a girl/boy wedding, not a boy/boy wedding, we can skip the blue and white.

Aleje: As you wish, I'll get you some more black one's... maybe on in a bit darker blue?

Niall: Sure, whatever.

I took the black suit and went into the changing room. I tried it on and it actually looked quite good on me.

Tin: Let me see!

Niall: It's just a suit!

Tin: I want to see!

I sighed and opened the door to the changing room and looked over at Tin. He smiled and Aleje came back with a couple of more suits.

Tin: I don't think we'll need to try anymore suits Aleje.

He looked up at me and almost dropped the suits in his hand. I started to think that they had some weird fetish about suits so I went back into the changing room and got back into my own clothes.

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