Chapter 35

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The next morning when I woke up, I woke up because Liam practically jumped out of the bed. I didn’t know why but I turned around and looked at him.

Stella: The fuck dude!

I yawned and he looked back at me then sat down in the bed again.

Liam: I thought I heard something.

Stella: What?

Liam: I don’t know, from downstairs.

Stella: Maybe we’re being robbed.

Liam: That’s it?!

Stella: I don’t care, mum and dad have insurance, and I’m sleeping!

I turned back around and closed my eyes. They weren’t closed long until I also heard something downstairs and I sat up in the bed. Liam looked at me with an “I told you so!” look and I got out of bed and wrapped the robe around myself. I opened the door with Liam standing behind me, almost hiding, like he was afraid. The first thing I noticed was the smell and I couldn’t help but laugh as I turned back to Liam.

Stella: It’s just Niall.

I said as I opened the door fully and started walking downstairs.

Liam: are you sure?

Stella: Yes!

I jumped down the staircase and walked into the kitchen, where I found Niall standing behind the stove.

Stella: Told you!

I said to Liam, laughing. Niall looked up and the way he looked at me, gave me butterflies.

Niall: Good morning, I’m making breakfast.

Stella: You’re making breakfast?

Niall: I was craving bacon.

I walked over to stand next to him and I looked down into the frying pan, yup, bacon.

Niall: So did you have a good night?

He said as he kept his eyes on the bacon. I nodded and looked over at Liam.

Liam: Absolutely, did you?

Niall: Better than expected.

He took a piece of bacon from the pan and took a bite from it, then moved it to my mouth, making me take a bite from it too.

Stella: Perfect!

Niall: Good, sit.

He gestured to the table and I walked over and sat down. Liam did the same and soon enough, we had plates with bacon infront of us. Niall sat down and he seemed strangely unlike himself today, which was a bit worrying.

Liam: So how do the two of you know each other again?

Niall looked at me and I subtle shook my head.

Niall: School…?

He said and I don’t know if it was meant as a question or the answer to Liam’s question, but just in case, I nodded and Niall looked pleased.

Liam: Ah right, Stella told me. So that’s it? You’re not her ex or something?

I laughed as I took a bite from another bacon and looked at Niall.

Stella: Niall doesn’t do “exes”.

Niall: No I don’t do girlfriends, there’s a difference.

Liam: touché.

Niall: What about you, how did the two of you meet?

Stella: I’ve already told you…

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