The Tower

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The next stop was the tower they would be staying in, next to the Training Center. Levy, Gajeel, Evergreen, and Makarov got in a glass elevator that brought them to the top floor. "Welcome to the height of luxury." Evergreen smirked widely as the two tributes followed her in awe. Gajeel was masking his better than Levy's. It was incredible!

There was a large living room area with several couches and chairs and a huge screen to watch the Games or things related to it or whatever you wanted. There were ceiling to floor windows. There was a long dining table filled with every kind of food someone from 12 could only imagine, with elaborate chairs lining the table. A hallway lead to rooms for everyone, which Evergreen lead them down. Levy's room was twice the size of her room back home, with lots of technology involved. She could change the window wall to show anything, and settled on a sunset. The bathroom was huge, with a ton of things to use in the shower. She decided to take a shower, stripping down and messing with the different smells she could have. Levy was certain she spent an hour in the neverending hot water, scented like a meadow. She washed her hair throughly, feeling relaxed and clean.

When she finally exited the shower, the fluffiest towel awaited her. She wrapped it around herself, tucking it in so it stayed up as she braided her hair while it was still wet. She left the bathroom to get dressed, just as Gajeel walked in her room. She sort of froze, as did he, like a deer caught in the sights of a hunter. "I-everyone is going to eat soon." He said gruffly in way of an explanation.

"Get out!" She shouted, holding up her towel as she threw a brush at him. He bolted finally and she let out a breath, her cheeks turning rather pink. She slammed her door shut, locking it now, and dressing quickly. She choose a baby blue dress, pinning her pin to the dress and slipping on her orange headband again. Those things, excluding her orange dress, were all she had from home. After feeling satisfied and her cheeks returning to a normal shade, she left for the dining room.

Everyone was in there, including her stylist and Gajeel's. She was a woman with blue hair in tight curls at the bottom, dressed in warm, blue clothes and a stern look. Levy sat down, noticing the food from before was gone. It must have just been for snacking. Now a real dinner was being served by silent servers. "Levy, I'm glad you could join us." Evergreen admonished lightly. "The ones serving us are called Avoxes. They are people who have committed a crime and have had their tongue cut out." She explained it so simply, like it wasn't a human life being fucked around with.

"Thank you." Levy said kindly to the woman who served her. The woman seemed grateful to be acknowledged and smiled in her direction. Evergreen looked surprised Levy even noticed the Avox.

"You must be the other Tribute. I am Juvia." The other bluenette at the table said with a nod in her direction. "Juvia is Gajeel's stylist." She added, and Levy nodded.

"I liked your idea with the miner and fire. It was different." Levy tried to make conversation, but most topics fell flat. It was hard to converse with them, all cheerful and full of the Capitol life, while her life was numbered by days now. Maybe weeks, if she was very lucky. Dinner passed awkwardly and quietly, and Levy excused herself after a while. Usually Gajeel would be the one to escape, but she just had to get out of there. She found a way to the roof and decided to go up and see the city from above.

She was pleasantly surprised by a roof garden, with wind chimes being swung around by the wind. "You wanted to get out of there pretty fast, huh. You're the people person. How come?" A deep voice asked behind her. She glanced behind her, noticed Gajeel was there. He was in a tank top and cargo pants, which is what he seemed most comfortable in.

"I can't hold a conversation with them. My life is in the balance, numbered by days, and look at them!" She flung her hand out, like that would punctuate her point. "Eating and wasting enough food to last a couple of families at least a solid week. Not even caring these-these games KILL people!" Her voice was suddenly silenced by Gajeel's large hand over her mouth. She tried to speak, but only muffled sounds came out.

"If you're not careful, shrimp, your life will numbered to tomorrow. You can't say shit like that here, of all places. The heart of the Capitol." The red-eyed man yanked his hand back when he felt something wet. The smug little girl licked him! She had a cocky smirk on her face too.

"Don't do that, or I will lick you. They wouldn't kill one of their precious tributes before the Games. Where's the fun in that?" She said snidely, before sighing heavily. "I haven't even entered the Games and I already feel like I've changed as a person. Sure, I didn't like the Capitol, but I wasn't like this before. Vindictive, snide..." She stared despondently at the roofs edge.

"They've got a forcefield around it." He told her and she rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, but that wasn't really crossing my mind." She sighed again, staring at the nightlife of the city. "I was thinking about the city. The lives lead here. The buildings and lights. Why can't it be this way at home too?" She turned to him with lost hope in her eyes. "Can you imagine a 12 where no one starved anymore?" It occurred to her suddenly that this was the first time she was having a real conversation with Gajeel, which made her feel a little self conscious.

"No. I can't. Each district is poorer than the last, that's how it's always worked." He huffed, crossing his arms over his massive chest. "It's the fucked up system they made up decades ago. He turned his back on her now. "You should go to bed. Makarov said training starts tomorrow, bright and early. It's a chance to see the other tributes, and learn somethin' new. And you're gonna need all the learning you can get." He snorted as he left.

Levy felt anger rise up in her chest, but knew he was right. She had no skills. She knew which plants were edible, and she was a fast runner, but that's all she had going for her. She stayed on the roof for a while longer, pondering on what skills she had or could learn in three days, before finally returning to her room and falling asleep on the softest sheets she ever felt.

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