And So, It Begins

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The elevator ride was tense. Once they reached the penthouse and exited, before Gajeel had the chance to yell or go off on her or whatever he had planned, Makarov spoke up. "You both did good. I can't make you keep playing this in the arena, but I do suggest it. It could help both of you, not just Levy." He paused. "Go to bed, get some rest. Tomorrow you to go the arena." He gives Levy an awkward hug and shakes hands with Gajeel. "I won't see you in the morning. When the Games start, run away. Don't go to the Cornucopia. A bloodbath waits there and you aren't ready for that. Run, and find water." This was his last piece of advice before he retired to his room.

Evergreen looked at the two and hugged both of them, much to Gajeel's chagrin. "I'm also going to bed for the evening. I wish you both the best, and may the odds be ever in your favor!" She flounced off and Levy took one look at Gajeel before scurrying off to her own room. There was barely contained... something resting in those red eyes.

"Oh, no you don't." He growled. Levy slammed the door to her room shut in response. Gajeel went and found a bottle of wine and grabbed it, with a glass, and went to her room. The doors didn't lock, so he just opened it and went inside. She was sitting on her bed, already changed into more comfortable clothes, with her knees to her chest.

"Hi." She squeaked.

"What the hell was that?" He set down the wine and glass on a table forcefully, but luckily didn't break anything.

"You know. He talked to you too." She said meekly as he came closer to her bed. He grabbed her arm and pushed her back forcefully, making her lay down. Her eyes were wide with fear. Had she really done something to push him too far? He was hovering over her and it struck her how much he looked like a predator that's cornered its next meal.

"I know he talked to you. Was it real though? Did you mean it? Did you want... this?" His voice was low, a low whisper that went straight to her core, striking her with fear and something else. She made no noise, just stared at him with wide eyes, until he chuckled. He got off her, still chuckling lowly, until it became a laughter. He laid flat on his back as his laughter died out slowly. "Oh fuck. These Games, this place... I fuckin' hate it." He paused. "Quit starin' at me like I'm gonna eat you. Relax, shorty." He got up and grabbed the wine, popping the top and taking a huge gulp right away. He sat on the ground by her bed, his back to her. "This is so fucked."

Levy slowly sat up, looking down at him. Her heart rate was slowly turning back to normal, as was her faces color. "Y-yeah. It is. I'm sorry I put you in a weird position." She mumbled. He waved her off.

"Do what you have to to survive. Yeah?" He offered her the bottle, but she declined. "I got a glass for ya in case you didn't want to drink from the bottle." He added, waving the bottle around.

"Don't get drunk. The last thing you need is a hangover on the first day in the Arena." She pointed out snidely.

"You make a good point. I just wanted something to take the edge off... a little somethin'." He sighed heavily, taking another drink. "I think you should win."

She looked taken aback by his statement. "You don't want to win?"

"Course I do. You think I wanna die?" He snapped. "I don't have a family to return to. I don't have a gaggle of friends either. If I won, I'd turn into Makarov. Drinking away and pissing through my days. You're good. You'd help people, you've got family... If this 'star-crossed lovers' thing helps you win, I'll play along."

"Gajeel.... If there was a way for both of us to survive, I'd choose that. As it stands, I don't want to die either, but I don't want you to die for me." Levy mumbled. "Why do you think they chose this cruel method of keeping us in line? Surely there was another way, one that didn't have children kill each other."

"This world's always been fucked."

"You're saying that a lot."

"You're not arguing." That made her laugh a little for some reason.

"Are you going to go back to your room?"

"Do you want me to?"

Levy thought for a moment. "I don't mind if you stay." She admitted quietly, a red color staining her cheeks. He reached behind him and yanked down one of the blankets as well as one of the many pillows.

"Then I'll stay." He put the pillow down and laid down, pulling the blanket over himself. "Goodnight, Levy." It was the first time he used her name.

"Goodnight, Gajeel."

- - - - 

The morning came too quickly. They were ushered onto a hovercraft and separated. Levy was injected with a tracker in her arm, which pinched for a moment. Reedus is there, offering her a kind smile of reassurance and confidence. They were off to the Arena. When they arrived, she and Reedus went to an underground room. "Here. I didn't design these." He handed her clothes every tribute would wear. The difference was the color of the shirts. It would help identify the districts. Her shirt was black, with tan-green pants to go with it. A black jacket that felt like it was rain proof came with the outfit, and durable-looking shoes. She fidgeting nervously, standing on a circular platform that would raise up in a few moments. Reedus came over with her pin of a strange bird and pinned it to her shirt, half hidden by her jacket. "I won't tell." He promised with a smile. "I don't bet,but if I did, I would put my money on you."

"Thank you, for everything Reedus." She smiled. A glass shield came around the circular platform, making a cylinder, and the platform rose up. Blinding sun greeted her golden eyes and she squinted into it. The Cornucopia came into view, the large metal structure filled with weapons and supplies, and even had some scattered around. She spotted a backpack closer to her platform and mentally decided to go for it, because she would need something. There were knives just on the edge of the Cornucopia, but that was too risky. A knife lay closer to the Cornucopia, but near the backpack she was going for. She could probably reach that too. The clock counting down to from 60 started to get lower and lower.


If I did bet, I'd bet my money on you.


Come home, Levy!


I think you should win.

The Games have begun.

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