With You, Or Not At All

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They both immediately spit out the berries and Levy finally let herself cry. She hugged Gajeel tightly, burying her face in his thick hair. A hovercraft came and lifted them up. Levy didn't want to be seperated from him but allowed herself to be dragged away so doctors could work on him. She was given something to drink in a separate room. The wall had a mirror and she didn't recognize herself. She looked crazed, dirty, exhausted. It wasn't Levy McGarden, book-loving small girl from 12. It was Levy McGarden, someone who won the Games by chance and would forever be changed by it.

The hovercraft landed at the Training Center and she watched as Gajeel was taken away to be worked on more. He was conscious, however, and thrashed around violently. "Let me see her! Let me go, dammit!" He snarled, until they stuck him with a needle and he passed out. Levy was also stuck with a needle and fell unconscious.


Levy woke to find herself clean and healed. Her hearing had returned. Her leg had barely a scar. Every other tiny injury was fixed, and she didn't look like someone who spent weeks surviving in a death arena anymore. She was, however, restrained. An Avox was in the room and gave her a tiny smile when she noticed she was awake. "Did Gajeel make it?" She asked quietly. After a moment, the Avox nodded. She sighed with relief, closing her eyes. She went in and out of sleep for a while, maybe even days, she couldn't keep track. Finally, she woke up and she wasn't restrained at all.

She stood up, wobbling on her legs a little. Taking a few, tentively steps, she noticed her limp was almost completely gone. Capitol medicine was amazing. There was an outfit laid out for her, the same as what the tributes wore in the Arena. Her pin was there too. It made her smile. She slipped out of her hospital gown and got dressed, pinning her pin to her shirt and wearing it like a badge. She stepped out of the room, seeing Evergreen, Reedus, and Makarov standing out there. She rushed to Makarov, hugging the short man tightly. He laughed. "You did a good job, girlie." He let her go and she hugged Reedus next, silently thanking him for everything he had done.

"You shall have a reunion with Gajeel at the closing ceremony. Come, I will prep and dress you." Reedus lead her away to be prepped and dressed. She was dressed up like a doll in a simple, cream dress. It made her look innocent and sweet. "Gajeel will like this." He teased lightly, but they both knew it had more than just that aspect to it. It meant something to the Capitol.

Everything seemed to be happening so fast. She was whisked away to a waiting area under the stage, where Makarov stood, waiting for her. "You look good. Enjoy your reunion with Gajeel." He smiled, but it seemed fake to her.

"Let's go, lets go! Makarov, we're up!" Evergreen smiled brightly at Levy. He nodded once at Levy before leaving her alone.

Her thoughts ran wild. Was this okay? Everything seemed to be ending perfectly. It was almost too good to be true. Before she could think too long, she was raised up to the stage. The lights blinded her for a moment, but once her vision cleared, she saw Gajeel standing there. She ran to him, a smile splitting her cheeks as she hugged him tightly. "Hey shrimp." He muttered into her blue, styled hair. He sounded a little tense to her and she wondered why.

"Ahh, love. Isn't it wonderful?" Ichiya's voice interrupted them. She pulled back and looked at him. He was smiling, all bright and shiny and screaming Capitol. He motioned to a soft love seat and they sat together. She noticed he was walking a little funny, but didn't say much of it. "So. I'll save my questions for the interview later. This is simply to explore your time in the Games, with a highlights reel!" Levy put her head against his shoulder, watching. The highlights showed the beginning. Gajeel working with the Careers. Levy working with Wendy. Wendy dying. Levy going on her own. Being saved by Pantherlily. Finding Gajeel. Their time in the cave, including their different kisses. The ending.

More than a few times, Levy had to look away. Once the reel was over, the crowd cheered as President Hades came out. He smiled at the two, but Levy could see he was unhappy in His eyes. He placed a crown on each of their heads, announcing they were the winners and announcing a victory banquet after the ceremony. Levy and Gajeel both had little interest in the banquet, but had to go.

They danced together, although awkwardly. They stayed together, but couldn't get a single private moment. Mostly they just flitted about the room, being polite but hardly engaging in conversation with anyone. They wanted the night to be over so they could go to sleep, and then go home.

After the long banquet, they were allowed to go back to the training center. They said their goodnights and went to bed, but Gajeel couldn't find it in him to sleep. He wanted to talk to Levy, alone. With a frustrated groan, he flung himself out of bed, cursing his leg as he hobbled to his door. It was locked from the outside. "The fuck?" He banged on the door, but couldn't get out. He needed to tell her what Makarov told him.

Levy also wanted to talk to Gajeel, simply wanting time with him. In the middle of the night, she tried to leave and find him, but she, too, was locked in her room. She muttered a string of curses at whoever did this, going back to her bed but hardly sleeping.


The next day, they would be interviewed and go home. They didn't get a private moment, again, until the interview. Dressed up all prim and proper with Gajeel in a suit and Levy in an innocent dress again, they sat on the unfortunately familiar stage with Ichiya. "So, star crossed lovers who can finally be together." He grinned widely. "How does it feel? To have won?"

Levy felt sick to her stomach knowing she killed people. "It feels... amazing. Because I get to go home, with him." She squeezed Gajeel's hand a little, for show and for comfort.

"What she said." He responded gruffly.

"Now, Gajeel. We all heard Levy's confession before the games, and we watched your relationship develop in the Arena. When did you realize you loved her back?" Ichiya pressed. Gajeel stayed quiet for a moment.

"I... I guess it would be when she was hurt. Real bad. I didn't want to loose her." He answered finally, looking sheepish.

"And you risked your life for her to get that medicine. Incredible." He laughed. "Oh, you two. You're in for some great things!" He turned to Levy. "Levy, I know it will probably be hard to talk about, but can you tell us about Wendy?"

Levy's face fell and her voice felt caught in her throat. "She was my ally. She was a sweet girl. If I hadn't won, I would have wanted her to win." Her voice was quiet, almost harsh. Ichiya had the decency to notice the sore subject and changed topics.

"Gajeel. How's the new leg?"

Levy looked at Gajeel with surprise. She didn't know he had a prosthetic leg now. Gajeel slowly lifted his pants leg, revealing a metal leg. "It's fine. Hard to get used to. Sometimes it's painful." He shrugged. "But at least I have a leg still."

Ichiya smiled, continuing with small talk and questions, before asking a big one. "What was going through your mind when you pulled out those berries?"

"I couldn't kill him. I..." Her face flushed pink a little. "I love him. I couldn't kill him, and I couldn't let him kill himself."

"I couldn't kill her either. I care about her." Gajeel interrupted. He didn't want to say 'I love her' just yet.

"I couldn't go home without him, so I decided.... With him, or not at all." Levy finished, looking at Gajeel now. The crowd cheered at their love.

"Such a sweet story! And now, you can be together!" Ichiya wiped away a fake tear. The interview wrapped up a few minutes after that, and they both left the stage together. Makarov told them it was perfect. Levy looked at Gajeel with a slightly pained look. She told the truth out there, and he only acted. She wondered if he knew.

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