Destroying the Careers

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Cannon fire woke Levy in the morning. She nudged the smaller bluenette awake as well. "Time to get up, Wendy." She muttered softly. Wendy sluggishly woke up, smiling sleepily at Levy.

"Hi." Wendy sighed, stretching her arms up. They both wiggled out of the sleeping bag and packed up their supplies. "We should go hunting today." Wendy suggested, and Levy agreed. They trekked through the forest, quietly talking as they hunted.

"Tell me everything you can about the Careers camp."

"Well..." Wendy frowned. "They have everything out in the open. Especially the food. Only one boy, from 3, guards it at all times. Otherwise, it's totally alone."

Levy nodded slowly. "Sounds suspicious."

"I thought so too. It's by the Cornucopia. The Careers are only ever there when they need stuff, otherwise they're out and hunting down tributes." Wendy explained. "Look!" She exclaimed in a hushed tone, grabbing Levy's arm. "Its called a groosling." She pointed a bird-like creature as she slowly pulled out a slingshot she had made. She loaded a rock and let it fly, smacking the bird in the head and knocking it out. Levy drew her knife and went to kill it. Satisfied, they made a small fire to cook it.

"So Wendy. Tell me about yourself?" Levy asked. She wanted to make conversation in the silence, while the back of her mind worked on a plan for the Careers.

"Sure!" Wendy nodded happily. "I have a cat at home. She's white and her name is Carla." Wendy went on to explain about her mother and father, and a boy at home her age named Romeo that she was friends with. "I also love music."

"Music, huh? Surely you don't get a lot of that in 11." Levy pointed out, stamping out the fire and handing her a groosling leg.

"Wow! An entire leg..." Wendy dove into her small meal. "Nope. Not a lot of music, but I love what I can get! Every day, when we work, I sing in the trees. In the evening, when the work is done, I signal everyone by whistling. It gets carried by mockingjays. There are some here too." She said between bites to eat.

"Hey Wendy? I have a plan."

- - - - 

Levy dragged a large, leafy branch over to the pile they started as Wendy dragged a smaller one alongside her. "This stuff is gonna make a lot of smoke, so as soon as you light it, you run, okay?"

Wendy nodded firmly. "Got it." She tossed her branch on the pile. "Oh! We need a signal." She whistled a short tune and it was carried through the forest by the mockingjays. "That means I'm safe, I'll be back soon."

Levy tried her hand at it, making her own short tune. "And same goes for me. I'm gonna go now." She said. "I'll see you for dinner." She promised. Then, she took off into the trees, heading for the Careers camp.

Levy hid, perched in a tree, watching their camp. All of them were there. A huge column of smoke rose into the sky. Wendy must have lit the first fire. "Look! Who do you think did it?" Sherry asked.

"Not Gajeel. I'd be surprised if he makes it through the night. C'mon, lets go." Lyon announced. All the Careers left, leaving one boy in charge of guarding. He stood at the front, watching the treeline. Levy watched with surprise as a girl came from the back, hopping around and doing a strange dance. She stole a few things, then danced out. The boy took notice and went after her. The supplies were alone.

Levy studied the layout carefully. If that girl had to hop around, there must have been some kind of trap on them. That's when she noticed that the ground in front of the starting places had been dug up. Explosives were in the ground there, and must have been laid around the supplies. A bag of fruit was half on a box of supplies, giving her an idea. It would cost her one of her knives, but she had one more, and Wendy had a couple small ones.

She moved so she was in the open now and took aim carefully, before throwing the knife through the air. It spun, blade over handle, until it slammed into the netting holding the fruits. It sliced through it cleanly and the fruits tumbled out, hitting the ground.

The resulting explosion knocked Levy off her feet.

- - - -

The bluenette's head swam, her vision fuzzy, and her hearing utterly shot in one ear. She swallowed back her fear and confusion, but couldn't seem to get the ground under feet. Resulting to crawling, she crawled her way into a hiding spot in the leafy bushes, just as the Career's returned. They must have heard the explosion. "WHAT? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!" Lyon roared. The boy who was in charge of guarding returned right then, his eyes wide. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?" Lyon's rage was turned on the boy.

"I-A girl came and stole some things! I went after her!" He seemed to be pleading with the white haired boy, but Lyon had none of it. With a swift move, he snapped the other boy's neck and he fell dead. Levy's eyes widened with fear. Lyon was a lot more powerful than she thought. The Careers don't seem to be going anywhere, so Levy thought it was in her best interests to stay hidden, especially since she couldn't walk straight as it was. She laid there, not exactly comfortable, for the entire day. The Careers left at night to hunt for the person who destroyed their chances of survival. The very person in question stayed exactly where she was, falling asleep in the bushes.

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