The Arena

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The clock counted down and hit one. A gong sounded. Everyone ran. Levy ran straight for the backpack, snatching it up and slinging it on her back. She hesitated for a moment, ducking when a throwing knife was tossed her direction. It stuck up in the ground and she snatched it up, before taking off into the forest of trees. Blood was already staining the ground at the Cornucopia. She never caught sight of Gajeel.

She ran and ran until she felt confident she was far enough from the epicenter of the bloodbath that she could slow down, but she didn't dare stop. She continued to move. Find water. As she walked, she did pause a couple of times to pick edible berries off of plants and munch on them as she moved. She would take time to hunt when she found a safe place to hole up and hide her things. As she trekked through the forest, she came across a rocky part of the Arena. She also heard voices. She needed a place to hide. Her only choice was under a huge rock that was sticking out. It made a sort of cave, and she was small enough she would fit. She could peek out, watch who was coming. She would have to lay flat on her stomach and pray she wouldn't be noticed, or she was dead. She threw her backpack into the small space and flopped down on her stomach, shimming backwards until she was well hidden and facing out.

"Do you see that?" A girls voice sounded. All Levy could see from her spot was the shoes of the people, which didn't tell her much at all. "Over there. A column of smoke." She continued.

"What an idiot." A boys voice now. Levy could see fives pairs of feet. "It's like they want us to find them. Don't they know anything about how to survive like a man?!"

"Easy pickin' then." That voice sounded familiar to Levy.

"What, you want to handle it yourself, Redfox?" The same girl from before said.

"I can, sure." It was Gajeel's voice. That's why it was familiar. "I can fuckin' prove myself." He added.

"Any clues where the blue haired girl went?" A new voice said, one that sounded masculine.

"Which one?" Gajeel again.

"The one from your district. You know her. Hell, she's in love with you. You can help us track her." The first girls voice sounded again.

"Oh... yeah." Gajeel sounded unsure to Levy, but she couldn't be sure. They walked past her spot and she waited a few more minutes before crawling out of her spot. She grabbed her backpack and threw it on again. She had to find water.

- - - - 

Night fell, and Levy found no water. The tiny rock cave would not be a good place to sleep. The ground was out of the question. That left trees. She found a tall, sturdy tree that she could climb with a thick branch she could sleep in. It wouldn't be the most comfortable, but it would be something. She climbed up and sat comfortably on the branch. Inside her bag was a warm sleeping bag, which she silently thanked the Gamemakers for. She laid it out and secured herself to the branch with a belt.

The sound of the Capitols song played in the air. A blue project shined above her. She watched to see the fallen tributes. Eleven. That means there's thirteen of us left. Including Gajeel. She couldn't believe he was hunting down tributes in a group. If she took a wild shot in the dark, it was the Careers. Levy felt the sharp sting of betrayal. It took her a long time to fall asleep the first night.

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