The Interview

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"You mean Gajeel." Levy was a little dumbstruck by his request. "He's-I don't-" she struggled for words. "He's... a rock! An immovable wall. Even if I said that, it wouldn't be believable because he would never return the feeling, fake or otherwise." Levy explained in a rush, her face heating up.

"I proposed Gajeel say it about you, but he refused. However I don't think it's because he doesn't want to help, I think it's more that he doesn't want to be put on the spot like that." Makarov said calmly.

"Exactly! I'd be dragging that spotlight on him if I said something like that." Levy looked a little frantic.

"You don't have to do it, but it would give you an emotional edge. How tragic, star-crossed lovers never meant to be." He smirked. "The Capitol would eat it up."

"No. No, I can't. I just... can't." And that was all Levy was willing to discuss about it. They moved on to other tactics for dealing with Ichiya, and when they were finished it was time for dinner. Levy took dinner to her room and spent the evening alone with her thoughts.

The next morning, after breakfast, she was ushered to meet with Reedus. He was going to dress her up for the interview. "I have another brilliant idea for today." He pulled out a dress this time. It was one shouldered and predominantly yellow, with orange and red ombré throughout the dress. It seemed to shimmer a little as well. Her makeup was light, unassuming. He even designed an orange headband, much like the one she always wore, to go with this outfit. It provided some comfort for her. "Are you ready?"

"No. I'm scared, actually. They look for a friendly but deadly tribute. I'm friendly, and small. Not deadly, not in any sense of the word." Levy admitted softly.

"Be yourself! I bet they'll love who you are. Don't be afraid to give your dress a twirl too." He winked at her. Ready to go, he lead her backstage of the interview stage. He reassured her once more before leaving her alone with other tributes waiting on their interviews as well. Gajeel joined her shortly after, looking good. His hair was tied back, which was always a good look on him. His suit was black pants with a black undershirt and tie, but a grey blazer over it. He looked dashing, honestly. They didn't talk as they waited. Levy went before Gajeel did.

She walked out on the stage, a lock of her blue hair falling out of place and in her face. Ichiya met her before the chairs. "Hello, hello! Welcome, Levy McGarden from District 12!" He laughed loudly. His wild orange hair was sticking up in every direction but his white suit was immaculate, with a single blue flower over the pocket on the front. They sat down and the applause of the crowd died down as he began the questioning. "So, Levy. Tell me, do you have much family back home?"

"Y-yes." She stuttered. Taking a deep breath, she steadied her nerves and began again. "Yes. I have two brothers. Twins. They're names are Jet and Droy." Smile! She forced a smile on her face.

"They must be terribly worried about you." He looked like he pitied her. He didn't, she knew that.

"They are, I'm sure. And my best friend, Lucy. But I'm okay, for now."

"How have you liked your time in the Capitol so far?" He questioned.

"It's been... a little overwhelming at first, but overall okay. The showers are amazing here, and the food."

He laughed. "What's your favorite food you've had here that you can't get back home?"

"There was this chicken with oranges thing, and a white cream over it. It was amazing." Levy gushed, her cheeks pink from the attention and her own rambling.

Ichiya smiled good naturedly at her. "Now, I must say, a lot of us were surprised by your training score of ten. A small thing like you, no offense, must have been very impressive to score the ten. What did you do?"

"Oh, I'm not supposed to tell, but I think I shocked the Gamemakers." She nervously smiled as the audience chuckled with her.

"How did you feel about the Reaping?"

Her face fell a little now. "I was surprised, shocked. I'm 17, after all. I'm very close to not having to participate in these Games, but I was chosen anyways. I'm just glad my brothers weren't chosen, or Lucy."

Ichiya nodded solemnly. "Levy, I do have to ask. You look so stunning tonight. Doesn't she?" He addressed the crowd, who cheered greatly. "I'm betting you're a beautiful young woman on any day. Is there a special someone back home?"

This was it. Do as Makarov suggested, or don't. I'm sorry, Gajeel. "Well, there is someone who's caught my eye for a while..." She tried to play it off as being shy to admit it. Really, she was nervous about lying to Ichiya, to the Capitol, and for doing this to Gajeel. "He doesn't know. He hardly knew I existed before this."

"Oh, man." Ichiya struck a dramatic, sad pose. "How horrible!"

"It gets worse." Levy paused, making sure she had his attention. "He's... here with me."

That got everyone's attention. The crowd went nuts with this information, some even seeming to protest the Games stopping love. Ichiya was surprised, but maintained his composure well. "Well well! Star crossed lovers, perhaps? Thank you, Levy." Her time was up. She stood, curtsied, and left the stage. She passed Gajeel and he looked like he was in a mixture of shock and anger with her. Something else too... she couldn't put her finger on it. Makarov patted her back with a snicker.

"Good job kid. We'll wait for Gajeel before leaving." He explained. There was a tv backstage where she could watch Gajeel's interview. Ichiya started with the easy, normal stuff, like he did with her. He said he didn't have family waiting for him, his parents died when he was younger. He didn't care about the Capitol. He was playing off his interview in a cool, aloof way. It was one way to appear desirable, Levy supposed. After brushing over his training score, Ichiya addressed the elephant in the room.

"Gajeel. Be honest with me." Ichiya was the master of remaining cool, but Levy could see he was slightly offput under the sharp gaze of Gajeel's red eyes. "Did you see that confession coming from Levy?"

"Nope." He leaned back in the chair, his legs uncrossed and arms crossed over his chest. The fabric of his outfit seemed stretched. "Don't know what good that'll do either. One of us has to die, right? There can't be two winners."

It seemed to Levy that Gajeel was slightly playing along with it, hinting at how unfair it was to two 'lovers', but for the most part he was being his usual asshole self. Caring only about himself. "That's true... it's a modern tragedy!" Ichiya wiped a nonexistent tear away. "The star-crossed lovers of the 74th annual--"

"Whoa, whoa." Gajeel cut him off. "There ain't no star-crossed anything. She admitted to liking me, that's all that happened."

"Do you not return these feelings?" Ichiya pressed. Gajeel looked like he badly wanted to say yes, stop all the madness before it started, but he knew that he couldn't. Makarov introduced the very idea to him, he knew what the intent was. Sure, he wanted to win, but he wanted the shrimp to have a fighting chance too. Instead, he stayed silent. Ichiya pounced on that in an instant. "Star crossed lovers indeed." He smirked widely and stood up. "That's all the time we have for tonight, folks. Tune in later this week as the Games begin. And to all the tributes here tonight, may the odds be ever in your favor!" As he was doing his ending speech, Gajeel was ushered off the stage.

"Gajeel, I--" Levy tried to say.

"We'll talk in a few, save it." He growled out as the four of them left for the penthouse in the tower.

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