Chapter 22

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I'm sorry I just had to show you this gif

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I'm sorry I just had to show you this gif


Everything around me became blurry and I was struggling to breathe as his hands were grasping around my throat. My eyes were wide in fear.

One thing I'm perfectly fine and next thing here I am getting choked by some lunatic for no good reason. I knew I was about to pass out, even worse I coulddie!

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH MIA!" The guy shouted right at my face.

My heart was beating so fast, almost as fast running a freaking marathon. I began to question my life, was I going to die at this exact moment?

Finally.. finally the pressure around my throat decreased as the guy repelled almost instantly.

I coughed hardly while placing my hands gently around my neck because of the pain. Relieved I could finally fill my lungs with oxygen.

As I got into my senses, I looked above me. Two guards grabbed him while he was struggling.

"LET ME GO! SHE'S THE REASON I'M HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He suddenly screamed really loudly my ears started to sting.

This guy was a total maniac!

I looked around myself and saw everyone staring at the 'dramatic performance' that was going on as the guards dragged him away.

Then everyone looked at me "OH MY GOD! Are you okay (Y/N)? Are you hurt?" Jiyoung called as she ran to me and helped me up.

"I'm... fine" I wheezed and cleared my throat "It's okay, it's fine now" I repeated but more clearly.

As her eyes rolled down she gasped "but your neck!" she said as she pointed at it.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Lets get you somewhere else, everyone here is watching" She said as she dragged me to the staff room.

"I know this has been a really bad first day for you.. haha.." she said.
"This usually doesn't happen, it's pretty rare. The last time someone attacked a nurse was months ago but luckily there are guards around so don't worry about the future" she grinned at me while placing her hand on my shoulder.

I slowly nodded and gave her a weak smile. "You should go freshen up! I'll wait for you here." She insisted, "Okay.." I agreed and made my way to the bathroom.

I locked the door and then leaned with my back facing the mirror. I took a deep sigh and placed my hands over my face while rubbing it gently.

"Ah, why do I feel so weak?" I said to myself. I turned my head to the mirror when I caught my eye on something dark underneath my chin.

I slowly took a few steps towards the mirror until I was just a few centimetres from it, Jiyoung was right.. I witnessed dark red and blue bruises all over my neck.

I poked it gently and hissed as I felt a sting. I opened my purse and took out concealer, hopefully this will cover it.

I winched as I dabbed it gently on my neck,it stung like hell but I tried to endure the pain.

After, removed my hair tie and wrapped it around my wrist, I spread my hair around my neck so no one could look at it, I don't want people to notice it and think it was hickeys or something.

Plus it's not like I can tell them the truth.

'Oh, hey what happened to your neck?'

'Yeah, I got choked by a madman but I'm fine now!'

I felt so angry... angry at him! He's the reason I got these bruises. Because of him my neck his hurting like hell.

But then I realized it's not his fault completely. I mean, the reason he's here in the first place is because of how he is mentally.

It still didn't help me not become afraid though.

I'll be seeing him again in this place, right?

Oh god.. I can't see him again.. and there's no use avoiding him. If I want this job I'm stuck in this building. With him.

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